Thursday, March 7, 2013

presidential Inaugrations

Presidential party review troops after the 57th Inauguration at the US Capitol in WashingtonThe Presidential Inauguration was represented and millions around the world tuned in to watch as
the President Was sworn in and gave a speech that many will not be able to dissect but it was clear to me as he spoke he made it clear that it" a difficult position he is in and said no one person cand make that big of a difference and he needs for things to be done together. I can see why the speech was catered towards the house and all the drama that we can not see behind closed doors. I understand that it's hard to overe throw a group of people we know nothing about . We don't know what it " s like to do his job. You got the Enemy over your shoulder looking out for his best interest  and you have to look out for a group of people who clearly do not matter to most of the people in congress. Although we break our back and are the heart and soul of this whole country yet we are the least to be considered. Women have nursed every man in this world to health at one time or another yet with all our talents and ability to adjust to any task given us we are not yet paid equal we may not possess some of the quality's that do but yet we make up for it with other gifts such as child birth and child care we are protesters and organizers and builders and inventors, we motivate and create the birth of new this. If you take away the chance for us to pursue a fair education fair pay we are second class citizens. Now some things such as working together seems to be the mentality amount selfish people who want to be on top and really do care about the world the are investors and big company " s who run the world families ancestors of old hidden in the mist of these people. As the priest prayed he spoke about the division in the white house and he prayed for specifics races and Colors tend he prayed for prejudices and I believe they are right in the white house. I believe there are some clicks that are giving the president hell just because the want their way he can't just out and say it I believe he is trying to let us know he does not have all the authority we think he does because on any occasion congress will over throw him. Singer Beyonce was magnificent live or not she gave a dynamic performance  as well as Kelly Clarkson
One thing I know is it's hard to write a speech and not include what your going through but I believe he is concerned he won't be able to get the things done he needs like arguing about Medicare. Who would not want medicare.the people who have everything that's who but the common person they could not afford a doctor so the let the cut heal on it's own and it gets infected and leaves a ugly  scar everyone is afraid. of . or a person who has an ongoing illness with no way to get care because their HMO ran out , who does that type of thinking? someone without a care in the world, unless they have experienced poverty they would never know. I pray they will open their eyes.that they will somehow  retract this move And stop being so greedy. and allow the people to speak through their president who won the election on the issues that were important to the people of this nation and he should be allowed to carry them out with out interference unless it is to improve his plan work with him and not against him. He has spoken so many times and sake the same thing so I know somebody is blocking the president and as the priest prayed  my suspicions were confirmed.
I understand congress can pass a bill without his consent but why is everybody so bull headed to the point it will affect our children. iy does not effect theirs because the are all in private schools that the pay a pretty penny for more than a poor person can afford to spend at a doctor.I Love my president and support him 100 percent and i realize he does not have the power to chance everything but i want to be the first to say i appreciate all that he does for the nation and our children, he has shown love to the black community like no other president ever has even gone to a poor black girls funeral or supported an individuals right to choose their way of life, I don't have to agree with any of his decisions I can state my point and still support him  let me help you work out the kinks to that plan maybe incorporate some of mine where needed and lets get our country straight and stop the pissing contest and leadership tantrums this is not about you this is about the people and the nations well being and no one person can know it all,
I noticed the looks going between some of the party involved and were in close proximity I could tell who wanted to be bothered with who. How ever the president and Michelle seemed to block out all the negativity
and and treat each other with such love and compassion. what a beautiful  occasion.
 President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama head out for their first dance together at the Commander-in-Chief's Ball, honoring U.S. service members and their families, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on Monday, January 21.

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