Monday, March 26, 2012

Atlanta Best Wings

Atlanta Georgia has  all kinds of fast food restaurants
one being Atlanta's best wings , any customer going to the location on Columbia drive & memorial
argued with his customer over a fish on a bun and fish on bread being a sandwich. so funny how today's world is
today's foreign  restaurant owner's do not care about their american customers,   A lady wanted the regular fish combo but received a sandwich the owner refused the exchange, the owner told the lady he did not care about her business there, the lady however was never rude other's got very irate about the subject and  became loud and vocal, some leaving the restaurant. Atlanta I Spy  want to bring attention to restaurant owners and business owners  alike lets all work together to make our customers happy we want a smile on their faces . Continued behavior like this will cause american consumers to take their business elsewhere. 
Seeing first hand the owner was clearly wrong. the lady called the store before coming and was told to bring the sandwich back. Upon arrival they would not take it back, with the argument turning into a war inside the restaurant. all this over a $6.00 sandwich. wow is it really that serious to that point.  The owner feels that all black people want is something for free. And said this is common among the people he deals with. although he at the end tried to redeem his self by telling the Atlanta I Spy that the lady was trying to get something for free , my question is how do you get something for free,  if you eat nothing you brought the product back untouched , because you were directed to,  the restaurant will not honor what your employee thinks is right and is right in the eyes of america.  You don't throw food at people and say eat it like this or else i got your money and screw the rest , you have to do some accommodations any way but you also have to get it right. if the person wants to change from sandwich to platter then charge them the difference an move on all the racial comments and good Samaritan comments took things over the top  disgusted  in the service and the attitude of the owner towards I am taking my business elsewhere 

3557 Memorial Dr Buffalo Wings

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