Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tyreese Kicked Out Of Radio Station For Taking a Stand

districts across America and it backfired when he was kicked out of a radio station for complaining about a liquor store being across the street from an elementary school. AccoTyrese tried to do a good deed by bringing awareness to the school rding to TMZ, the “Transformers” actor made an appearance at a radio stationwhich was located ‘in the hood in Delaware’ and he went to the store to ask for gum, but all they had was rum.
He took a picture of the liquor filled shelves and also stated that his interview was erased so no one could hear him speak.
During his rant, Tyrese told the DJ, “Get them cats out of here … selling alcohol right across from your kids school, homie — put the pressure on them homie … you know how to put pressure on dudes selling in your hood.”
But when the show went to commercial, Tyrese was asked to leave the building — and the owner of the radio station confirms to TMZ that it was because he felt Tyrese was “disrespecting” the Delaware community.
There has to be more to this story, something’s just not right about this one!
Check out his tweet:
Tyrese radio station tweet

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