Monday, June 25, 2012

Music XRay News

Music Artists Success Stories and Testimonials W.E.R.M. signs to Universal Music Group's flagship labels, Universal Republic W.E.R.M. has just been signed to Universal Republic after submitting their tracks to Industry Professional Jeff Blue via MusicXray. Formed in 2011, W.E.R.M. is a four-piece alternative dubstep-rock band consisting of vocalist/guitarist Clayton Sturgeon, guitarist Chris Clark, DJ/electronic Isaiah Swor and drummer Nate Mullins. Each member has their own unique style, collectively making an exciting, unique sound. We're sure the four of them will attest to the impact that MusicXray played in connecting directly to the top of the Industry. If you're one of the many who have experienced success as a result of MusicXray, reach out and let us know! Write us at and we'll share your story. Vox Katana: It’s Been an Amazing Journey Vox Katana is a multinational trip-hop duo consisting of Isaac Swanson of Tampa, Florida and Li Vox of Almada, Portugal. As a bass player Isaac began experimenting with electronic music in 2009, eventually developing a trip-hop sound. Putting out music on the internet as Ana Katana, Isaac began amassing a fan base for his sounds and after posting an ad looking for a vocalist to collaborate with, he received answers from several people eager to work on a chill electronic project. However, one vocalist really stood out, Li Vox. Li, a Portuguese poet and songwriter, was more than ready to lend her talents to the project. Beginning to work together in August of 2010, the beats were created in Florida and sent over to Li in Portugal for her to add her vocal magic. And condensing the name of their band to just Vox Katana, their fan base began to expand more and more around the globe, getting interviews with trip-hop blogs and finding places to put their music where the fans could find it. And one of the places they decided on was, you guessed it, Music Xray. Isaac and Li had been a part of the site for sometime now and already gave us an update late last year of the success they’ve had using our platform. It was only recently though that they gave us the full details. Here is what Isaac sent us: Vox Katana used Music Xray to submit a song for a single deal with Neurotraxx Recordings of Rome, Italy. The song “World” was released on March 19, 2012 on the electronic music website Beatport and will be available on iTunes, Amazon and everywhere else on April 2, 2012. It’s been an amazing journey. Li and I have never met in person, living in the USA and Portugal and now signed to a record label in Italy! Thank you to Music Xray for giving us the opportunity to submit music to a great label like Neurotraxx! No need to thank us Isaac as for all the hard work and dedication you’ve put into your music, you two deserve all the success you’ve been getting. We are happy for you and Li! Vox Katana has further expanded their sound palate to include beats with a wide variety of influences. Traditional Portuguese music, exotica, soul, and all sorts of electronic sound manipulations have found their way into their work which you can listen to on their full EPK here. Check out Neurotraxx Recordings here as well for they are currently looking for new and fresh artists from the Electronic genre. Totally Rockin Artists in Music Awards We’ve shared the story and the winners of the event that is The 2012 Artists in Music Awards. Now we want to share the video with you: The Artists in Music Awards isn't a members only club. Artists do not have to subscribe to anything nor does the artist need to be an exclusive member to participate. You do not need a million fans on your Facebook page. More importantly, you do not need to pay thousands of dollars to stand out. They strictly look at your product and that product is your music. The event was created to recognize and honor the best of the best. Definitely The Artists in Music Awards was one of the most unforgettable events of 2012 for our indie artists and far exceeded everyone's expectations. Executive Producer Mikey Jayy is currently accepting submissions for The Artists in Music Awards Summer Showcase and for nomination at the The 2013 Artists in Music Awards. Do check these opportunities out and remember you need to be in it to win it! Back to Back Success Stories Made Possible by Eddie “Sea” Caldwell Pink Lemonade isn’t just a refreshing, sparkling soft drink usually made from lemons and grapefruit, Pink Lemonade is a way of life which means keeping upbeat. It means dancing your troubles away, smiling on through adversity and maintaining a positive attitude. Pink Lemonade is the duo that is Archer and Alexander. And what a refreshing duo they are as Alexander’s bold production style and bouncy songwriting provides a contrast with Archer’s more intense ideas. We received an email recently from Angie of Angel Music Management, the people who handle Pink Lemonade, in regards to the positive outcome of their submission to Eddie “Sea” Caldwell. We wanted to share with you some great news! We submitted our band Pink Lemonade to Eddie of Music of The Sea and what a guy... he is so professional and approachable! Eddie was offering the opportunity to be represented at Midem 2012 which we submitted to and we were delighted when he chose Pink Lemonade. He then went on to secure 2 deals for them. One a publishing deal in Spain and Portugal with New Music Spain and a distribution deal with Black Hole Recordings in The Netherlands. Thanks Eddie and Music Xray! And that does not stop there as we also received an email from Cory George, another artist who also got the chance to work with Eddie. Here is what he has to say: Since being selected by Eddie Caldwell, it’s been pretty good. He managed to secure a distribution deal with the major label Black Hole Recordings in the Netherlands. He’s a very hard worker as some of his other previous clients has stated. He’s a busy-bee but still makes time to keep me updated on the current happenings. So I’m blessed to be one of his clients and I’m looking forward to more great things that will be done by him in forwarding my career. Cory George and is an unsigned rapper, passionate about writing and recording. Music to him is writing his thoughts and expressing his feelings on paper then getting into the studio and letting it all out on the mic. For him, his purpose is to let everyone feel how effective music really is.. especially in our lives. We couldn’t agree more Cory. Who can live without music? Not anyone we know of. But kidding aside, really happy for Pink Lemonade and Cory. Indeed it’s always a pleasure working with Eddie. Check out Cory’s Hip Hop and Rap tracks in his full EPK here and try a sip of Pink Lemonades' music here. And have you checked out Eddie “Sea” Caldwell yet? You should as this Producer/Songwriter/Publisher and owner of Music Of The Sea Inc. has been selling music independently in the US, Europe and Asia for years and knows what it will take to sell records abroad. Eddie knows what will grab a filmmaker, A&R, music director or music executive's ear and has been placing songs in films, TV, advertisements, webcast, etc. Interested? Check out his profile here. The Math Team Signs Oaklynn The Math Team, a placement firm that works with film, TV, gaming and commercial music licensing was founded by Ian Anderson in 2007 and has evolved into a company that is involved in most, if not all, aspects of the music industry. Primarily a licensing firm (The Math Team), a publicity firm (Swim Agency) and a music distributor (Afternoon Records), The Math Team is also deeply invested in artist management, marketing, advertising, booking and even has a sweet blog, MFR. And sweet is what best describes Ian’s recent email to us: Hey guys! Just wanted to give you a heads up that we have officially signed Oaklynn for a sync/licensing deal via Music Xray. They are awesome and wouldn’t have found them without you! Truly awesome Ian and we couldn’t be happier for both you and Oaklynn. With influences such as The Killers, Passion Pit, Friendly Fires and Foster The People, Oaklynn blends an electro/synthpop element with rock and a little bit of an 80's-feel. They are in the process of writing and working on an EP to be ready for release summer of this year. But before that do check out their music in their full EPK to get a feel of this band’s music and don’t forget to check out Ian’s profile here as well because definitely with all services under one roof, The Math Team simplifies all matter musical. Keith Williams: Brighter Things to Come Keith Williams delivers an incomparable performance with a unique talent and a tenor voice that touches the hearts and minds of all music lovers. A performer since the age of eight and originally from England, Keith has toured extensively throughout the UK and Europe. He performed in front of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, at the London Palladium. In 2006, he was voted top male vocalist in a National Talent Showcase at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas by his peers. In 2008 Keith appeared at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas in a tribute show to Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis and Dean Martin. In 2010 he appeared on Good Morning Sacramento. The show went out to 60,000 homes during the course of the morning which is Keith’s largest audience to-date, in one day. He is in constant demand with his jazz ensemble and has been featured at Thunder Valley Casino and Resort and has been a regular performer at Twin Pines Casino. Keith has been compared to that of Michael Buble and a very young Tony Bennett, with the “Full package” as he was once referred to by one of the judges from the X factor. Keith continues to find success using our service and we are truly happy to say that even if he had been successful without Music Xray, he believed in us enough to use our platform and he has no regrets. Here is the wonderful email he sent us: Through Music Xray, I became involved with Record Producer Stuart Epps. I contacted Stuart via a submission for one of my songs, a cover version of My Funny Valentine. Stuart liked the song and the arrangement saying it was a pity I had not written the song myself but he did like my voice. A comment like this coming from Stuart spoke volumes and I was humbled by his very kind words. We settled on an excellent price for the job and I agreed to have Stuart mix, master, and produce the song. I sent him the entire song in .wav format. Each individual track was synced by me in my studio which in turn made it easier for Stuart to place the song on his studio equipment and off it went to Merry Old England. I could not believe how fantastic the song sounded when he sent it back to me. It was just amazing and my vocals sounded fantastic. I have been recording for many years and some of them in top London studios but to be honest, nothing compared to what Stuart had done for me. The instrumentation and arrangement were crisp and clear as a bell. My voice was warm, full and oozed quality. I was so thrilled with the result and being a studio engineer myself, I asked Stuart what he had used on the vocals and his response was: “I was tempted to just say I used 45 years of experience recording great voices on the vocal sound. But basically you have a great quality voice which was well recorded and just needed some sympathetic intelligent, equalization and some compression plus verb. Sounds simple but actually it has taken me years to find good digital effects to achieve anything like analogue results. I will have to leave the rest a secret. It is very nice to be able to do it” For Stuart to have said these wonderful words to me, given his amazing pedigree in the industry, made me feel like a million dollars and it has filled me with so much hope. Stuart is without a doubt the consummate professional and an expert at his craft. He used his mastery to make my song jump out and grab you. Needless to say, so far My Funny Valentine has been well received on other submission I have made through Music Xray after his wonderful work. I submitted the song to Linnette Harrigan who was looking for cover songs to pitch to film and TV companies so I thought what do I have to lose. The song was well received and a song representation contract followed shortly afterwards. Much to my surprise, I was chosen to be featured as artist of the month for February on her website. This was such a thrill for me as I have never been a featured of anything but thanks to Music Xray, I have been now. This is just the first stage of many to come for me, I am sure, but I want to thank the Music X-ray team for making it happen . Plus a special thank you to Linnette, the sweetheart that she is, for believing in me as an artist. Now I am keeping my fingers crossed for a film placement for the song . Linnette also picked up another song of mine “In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning” (the Sinatra classic) which hopefully will be pitched for film placement as things progress with her company H Music based out of New York. I also submitted this song to a Music Licensing Firm based in LA who have since picked up “My Funny Valentine” as well. The music professional thoroughly liked my songs. Contracts have been received and signed so it looks like I am now represented on the East and the West Coast. I also heard Valentine being played on Suck Free Radio so once again thanks to Music Xray for making this happen for me. John Kuhn has asked for more of my material to play on his station for future broadcasts and he did say that my song “does not suck”. John said my music was the type of music he liked to promote on his show. I have also been signed by Eddie Sea out of Chicago he now represents all of my material. His company Music Of The Sea is pitching my songs to movies and TV. Also, "Cry Me A River" has been picked up by internet radio station KLED out of Los Angeles California which broadcasts to the greater Los Angeles Area. Uncle Earl the DJ just loved the tune. Stuart remixed “In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning” as well and we are now into negotiations for him to do the rest of the songs on my up coming jazz album with his name as producer on the CD sleeve so who knows where it will end up. I can only pray for a positive resolve. This is without doubt 100% quality so thank you Music Xray and a very BIG thank you to Stuart, for everything he has done for me thus far. Music Xray, you have made it possible for artists like me to “make it happen” and get noticed. Awesome connection after connection that you have had using the site, Keith. Truly amazing how one thing led to another. And by your recent email, we are truly happy to know that things are turning out brighter for you: I submitted “In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning” and I have been accepted as a nominee for the 22nd Los Angeles Music Awards. This is thanks to Stuart for doing such a fantastic job mixing my song and Music Xray. Here is what Al Bownman said about my submission which he had given it five stars across the board on all categories: “World class music and production. Really enjoyed this music. Where are you based out of? I would like to see you on our red carpet this year.” You have no idea what this means to me. Even to be considered, let alone nominated is like winning the lottery. Once again thank you Music Xray and I shall keep you posted to future acceptances through your site. Keith Williams is without doubt a true artist with the experience to back it up. Take a listen to his songs in his full EPK and find out what makes him different from all the other artists you've heard. Do check out these music professionals as well: Stuart Epps, Linnette Harrigan, Music Licensing Firm based in LA, John Kuhn, Music Of The Sea, Uncle Earl and the 22nd Los Angeles Music Awards. Smooth Ride for The Commuters The Commuters might hail from New York but their kinetic, personal anthems capture an alt-rock essence that aspires toward worldwide appeal. Before forming the Commuters in 2010, frontman Zeeshan produced Grammy-nominated Ryan Leslie’s first demo and helped develop the careers of major label artists. Guitarist Uri Djemal is a childhood friend and a New York-based producer. The two co-produced the album at Djemal’s studio where he had produced many artists in New York’s indie-rock scene. They are joined by French-raised Ben Zwerin on bass and upstate New York native Paul Amorese on drums. Having established themselves at noted hometown venues in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and received blog acclaim in the U.S. and abroad, The Commuters are eager to build their US presence and also extend their experiences outward to an international audience. And they definitely made their presence felt when they became a part of Music Xray and submitted to Charlie Mac as The Commuters are the newest Rock band to join Charlie Mac’s team with 20 new tracks accepted into their catalog. Here's the email Charlie sent us, enumerating the many things he’d been doing for this cool band: The Commuters had 3 tracks added to our playlist which is constantly reviewed by record labels, publishers, A&R’s, Music Supervisors, film and TV producers as well as many other music industry professionals. The Commuters had 20 tracks distributed to our #4 partner for external licensing. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) The Commuters have 1 track being considered by a licensing firm seeking music for placement in film/tv/commercials. The Commuters have 1 track being considered for use in a lawn mower racing documentary. The Commuters have 1 track being considered for use in a Feature Film. The Commuters have 1 track being considered for use in Fashion Videos. The Commuters have 2 tracks being pitched to a Music Supervisor contact Seeking Music for TV and Film. The Commuters had 20 tracks distributed to our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) The Commuters had 20 tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, Several US and overseas radio stations) The Commuters have 2 tracks being pitched to a Music Coordinator Seeking Music for television and film projects. The Commuters have 1 track being considered by a Production Company seeking to license music for numerous television and film projects. The Commuters have 4 tracks being considered for a Feature Film that need to replace a Davie Bowie song and a song from The Beatles. The Commuters have 1 track being considered by a Television and Movie Production Company who is currently seeking music to license. The Commuters have 1 track being considered for an indie-dark-comedy in need of original music for a soundtrack. The Commuters have 1 track being considered by a Television Production company who needs instrumental music for network television series and sports programming. The Commuters have 1 track being considered for a massive marketing promotion compilation CD campaign distributed to highly influential film and TV professionals. Placements range from $1500-15000 with most being in the $3,500-5500 range. Minimum. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a Record label looking for hot singles. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a production studio whose looking for music for numerous shows on multiple networks like VH1, Animal Planet, Tru TV, We TV, Fox & NBC. The Commuters have 2 tracks being pitched to a Top Music Licensing Firm looking for all styles of music for television and film projects. The Commuters have 4 tracks being pitched for a Hollywood Movie with a $100,000.00 music budget and they are interested in Indie Rock/Pop music. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched for an indie film looking for new music. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched for a documentary about sex and sexual culture in various countries. The Commuters have 3 tracks being considered for use in a TV show that is looking for all genres of music. The Commuters have 3 tracks being considered for a soundtrack/full feature film. The Commuters had all of their tracks distributed to a production company we signed a deal with to provide music for their soundtracks and full feature film placements in all genres of films, television, videos, documentaries and news. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a small production company completing a new low budget feature-length documentary. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a multi-media production crew with current projects in need of background music. The Commuters have 2 tracks being pitched to a Music Supervisor Seeking Music for a variety of television and film projects in production. The Commuters have 3 tracks being pitched to a production company looking for music for their movies and video clips. The Commuters have 3 tracks being pitched for a Web Series looking for Original alternative rock music. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a Director looking for music for a Zombie web series. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a production company looking for music for a new indie feature film. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a production company looking for music for a Nationwide Book Trailer. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a production company looking for music for a Feature Film. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a Music Supervisor looking for music for various projects. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a production company looking for innovative music for their new film. The Commuters has 1 track being pitched to a production studio looking for professionally recorded independent music to feature in their first animated feature film. Check out their newest video now airing worldwide on MTV. That’s one long list Charlie! We are speechless and we’re sure The Commuters too, when they found out what you had in store for them. It's truly great to be a part of your team and we are sure the many artists who you found on the site feel fortunate to be working with you. While every band aims to last, The Commuters’ unique combination of its members’ personal histories and creative backgrounds foreshadows a longer and brighter future than most. Their first album, whose songs are in their full EPK, is just the start. And let's not forget to check out Charlie Mac’s multiple opportunities as he continues to not only find artists on the site but continues to receive positive comments on his community feedback as well. Stacks of Wax Found a Diamond in the Rough Stacks of Wax Production is a fully functional audio production, mixing, and mastering operation. Stacks of Wax is situated in NYC with other locations in Westchester, CT, and Woodstock. Stacks of Wax General Manager Evan Feist had been a part of Music Xray for sometime now, using our service to find artists to critique, songs to mix, to promote and more. Evan had been enjoying his Music Xray experience, esp. when he found a metaphorical diamond among the submissions he received recently: As I was going through the day’s submissions to my various dropboxes, I found it: that metaphorical diamond in the rough. Capital Grey had sent me their track "Paint This Town" and I was stunned. It opens with a lo-fi 4 count on a closed hi hat and just gets better from there. It was the chord progression that initially grabbed me, but once I saw where the melody was going, I was hooked. Music to me is about more than entertainment; it’s intellectual stimulation. Unfortunately, more times than not after about 30 seconds I can predict the rest of the song in terms of the chord changes, melodic phrasing, form etc. What I’m looking for is for someone to surprise me. I want to be tricked and be taken somewhere I didn’t expect. “Paint This Town” did that for me and more. It’s one of those songs that allow you to discover new elements upon each listen. Unfortunately this song, in all its glory, was just not right for the dropbox Capital Grey submitted to. This is the great thing about Music Xray: even though they were not selected for that particular project, I was able to offer them a different deal which they jumped at. After talking to frontman Filip Mandaric for a while, we decided that the world must hear this song. I was more than happy to promote their song, getting their video a large amount of views on Facebook in the first few weeks after it’s release. In return, Filip is designing the new Stacks of Wax website, both of which will be up for the devouring within the new month. Without Music Xray, not only would I not have ever enjoyed finding Capital Grey but neither of us would have been able to network and barter services so easily. Thanks guys! You’re welcome Evan. Truly nice to see what a simple submission can lead to and we are definitely happy to know that it benefited both sides. We guess that’s what Music Xray really is: making the right connections possible. Capital Grey formed in mid-2011 as the singer/songwriter based rock project of Filip Mandaric and guitarist Danny Chau. Reaching into the dense and eclectic tastes of the 60's for inspiration, Capital Grey somehow still manage to mold their tracks into a colorful collage of fresh sounds beaming with complexities that are hard to even catch listening the first time around. Currently unsigned, the band is taking offers for label support, eager to expand wider and further to their fans. Capital Grey is only at the beginning at what looks to be a prolific career in serving rock music that's got its standards rooted in the classic period of greats such as The Beatles and Pink Floyd. Paint the town with Capitol Grey’s Rock/Pop/Alternative/Punk music in their full EPK here. And check out Evan Feist’s multiple opportunities here and find out if you’ll be the next one to be discovered by Stacks of Wax Production. "Music Xray Works" - Zaina Juliette Zaina Juliette sent us an awesome email and instead of us giving a large amount of background information we thought we would just show you the email. But do check out her music since that is the major reason why this could happen in the first place: I would like to thank MusicXray for all the great things they are doing for serious artists like myself. Your staff and customer service is outstanding and has made me feel as if you are my personal friends that care about my career and my struggle. I am most impressed with Music Industry Professional, Eddie Sea, one of the most greatest music industry professionals ever! Eddie Sea is so WONDERFUL and he delivers on all his promises. Eddie Sea is an all around great guy. Eddie Sea shopped my package at MIDEM and in a short time has secured a publishing deal in Spain with New Music and a distribution deal with Black Hole Recordings in the Netherlands, with more deals being negotiated as I tell you this. Eddie Sea is well respected by all music industry professionals around the world and has established outstanding relationships with them. I am so honored to have him represent me! If not for Music Xray, none of this would be happening. A small investment to make a submission that can change your entire life and place you on top. Thank You so much MusicXray and Thank You to infinity Eddie Sea for believing in me! I have truly made new friends through MusicXray. I am not just writing this to sell you anything, I am writing this from my heart and soul. Check out Eddie Sea and you will see for yourself. MusicXray works!!!! I am going to tell everyone! Well thanks so much and it looks like we made a great new friend as well! And we will be sure to continue to check out more of your music in your EPK while all of our artists can take a look to see what Eddie has in his list of opportunties. Jamie Sparks Achieving More Success Through Music Xray Singer/Songwriter/Producer Jamie Sparks has been blazing trails within the music industry for years. He has traveled throughout North America touring and recording. No stranger to awards Jamie has received the Montreal's Jazz Festival's Award of Excellence, the Professional Publishers and Songwriter Award, Winner of 7 East Coast Music Awards’s, 2 African Nova Scotian Music Awards and a Juno Nomination as well as WBLK 93.7FM Unsigned Hype International Artist of the Year Nomination. In addition, Jamie has shared the stage with music industry icons such as Akon, Rihanna, Shaggy and 112. His album "Fun Tonight" with tracks recorded at P. Diddy's "Daddy's House" (Bad Boy) Recording Studios in NYC, has sold thousands of copies and yielded four music videos. A number of albums and singles have been released since, all recieving great reviews from critics and fans alike and his music has been heard on the Fox Network show 24, Cuts on UPN, Wildcard, Da Kink in My Hair on Global and The Life on ESPN. On the business side of things, he is also President of Operations for Kicksta Music Group/Kicksta Muzik Publishing, home to a small roster of talented artists, songwriters and producers. And even if Jamie had been fairly successful with his music career, he never hesitated to use Music Xray as a way to find further success and for his music to find a wider audience. And indeed, Jamie Sparks can continue to update his career highlight as he is the newest R&B artist to join Charlie Mac’s team with 21 new tracks accepted into their catalog. Here’s an update straight by Charlie himself: Jamie Sparks has 5 tracks that are being strongly considered by a director that we are working very closely with on an independent film soundtrack out of New York. Jamie Sparks had 4 songs added to our playlist which is constantly reviewed by record labels, publishers, A&R's, music supervisors, film and TV producers as well as many other music industry professionals. 2 tracks from Jamie are being shopped to the president of a popular indie label for label consideration. Jamie Sparks had the song called "I am a Hustler" placed in the new Spike Lee film "You're Nobody til Somebody Kills You". Nothing but good news Charlie! Glad that you continue to find the artists that you seek via the site and in turn we are happy that artists like Jamie continue to succeed and find more opportunities for his music. So do check out Charlie Mac's multiple opportunities here and if you're having a rough day or something just ain't right, sit back and enjoy listening to Jamie’s music here. From a Rough Demo to Having Better Production to a Publishing Deal DeeDee Hughes who used to write songs as a child, rediscovered her love of songwriting in the late 90's. She entered her song "The Homesick Blues" into the 2007 UK songwriting competition where it reached the semi-finals. She has since had a demo of the song produced by Nigel Cuff Music, along with "I Feel Too Much", which was highly commended in the same competition. In 2010, her song "Cold Sore Coming" won a Director's Award for the Paramount Group Nashville International Song & Lyric Writing Comedy Song competition and her song "Santa Take Me Home" reached the top ten of the Smashsongs 2011 Christmas Song competition. DeeDee is currently looking for commercial opportunities for her songs, bands and singers who would like to perform them or collaborators who could help to make her songs realize their full potential. And what an opportunity she had when she submitted one of her songs to Stuart Epps (producer extraordinaire). This submission led to having her song have better production which in turn resulted to her being offered a publishing deal. Here is the wonderful email she sent us: After submitting my song "Long Time Coming" to Stuart's opportunity, he invited me to come and record a demo of it at his studio in Cookham. He was extremely professional, generous and encouraging. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was thrilled with the way in which he transformed my very rough home recording into a beautiful production. As a result of which, I have just been offered a music publishing deal. Awesome DeeDee! Your Music Xray family is happy for you. It is truly wonderful to know what a submission via Music Xray can lead to. And this is one good example. Yes, the list of artists that Stuart Epps has been helping via Music Xray keeps on growing and we don’t see it stopping anytime soon so do check out Stuart's multiple opportunities here and be the next artist on Stu’s list. And don’t forget to listen to DeeDee’s song ‘"Long Time Coming", as well as her other songs, in her full Music Xray EPK here. Callum Hendry: Very Happy with Music Xray Callum Hendry lived in England, UK most of his life but he relocated to North Scotland in 2000 and have been based there to start a new chapter in his life as well as with his music. Over the years he have been getting his songs done by various demo services in the USA and UK. The styles he has done his songs in are Rock, Dance, Country, Electronica , Pop and R&B/Pop. And Callum’s journey continues as he found Music Xray and got hooked with our platform. The email he sent us is proof of how happy he is and would never have doubts recommending the site to his fellow artists: I’m very happy with Music Xray. Rob 'Push' Coleman has two of my songs on hold at the moment. The two songs are “One In A Million” and “Your Face Is My Favourite Picture Of Art” which I submitted to his Kris Allen opportunity. Also I submitted my “Mother to Be” song for William Junebug Lee’s Bruno Mars opportunity and William got back and said the song could work for an artist he will be working with in about six months time and he’ll be in touch. Before Music Xray came along I was typing up letters, burning songs to CDs and then having to go into town and post it off to a publisher or record label in the UK. I have recommended your website to a lot of artists. Telling them about various opportunities on Music Xray. Like for instance telling Aki, a bass player in a Canadian band called Step Echo, about Epic Records’ Looking for Rock Bands opportunity. Aki told me he has opened an account with Music Xray and submitted to the said opportunity. I can’t think of how you can improve Music Xray at the moment but if I do, I will let you know. Please do Callum. We are always all ears to any suggestions on how we can improve the site so we can give better service to our artists and music professionals. Glad you are happy with the site by the way and big thanks for sharing it with your fellow artists. We wish you all the best Callum! Listen to Callum’s music in his Music Xray EPK here and we know you would want to check out these music professionals as well: Rob 'Push' Coleman, William Junebug Lee and Epic Records. I Am Truly Appreciative of Music Xray It is truly a blessing to share my gift with so many wonderful people. I'm inspired every time someone tells me how much they enjoy my music and seeing their continued support makes me appreciate the opportunity that I've been given. I can truly say I love what I do every single day. - Joye B. Moore Urban Jazz vocalist, songwriter and performer, Joye B. Moore is one of today's most unique and talented artists. Joye started singing at a young age and fell completely in love with creating sounds and expressions through music. Joye has shared the stage with some of the industries greatest such as Chaka Khan, Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, Maysa, Lalah Hathaway, Maestro J, Michael Franks, and more. Her song Retro Love Song is a beautiful infusion of both soul rhythms and neo-soul that features Joye's extra tight vibrato and smooth jazz vocals. With fluttering vocals, patterned nuances and pretty phrasing the imagery in Retro Love Song is a true fit. Joye, who co-wrote and co-produced Retro Love Song, breaks new ground with her style and her signature vocals that fuse a wealth of influences. Joye sent us an email recently telling us that her song Retro Love Song had been a hit with the music professionals on the site. I LOVE Music Xray! I have been able to make more successful connections here than any other music site. I submitted “Retro Love Song” and was selected for the following: Charlie Mac – song placement, movie soundtrack WBLS - radio rotation The Sol Kafe – radio rotation H Music – radio rotation SJR Media Group – radio rotation Chayz Lounge Radio – radio rotation STARZZ Radio – radio rotation Wutz Hood Radio – radio rotation KLEDLive FM - radio rotation KCLA FM - radio rotation It is very exciting and I have other submissions that I am waiting for responses from. I am truly appreciative of Music Xray! Well we appreciate it that you are a part of Music Xray Joye and we are definitely happy that you have been making some really great connections on the site. We wish you good luck and hoping your other submissions will have positive results as well. We think Retro Love Song is destined to become a classic! Check out Joye's full EPK and listen to her song “Retro Love Song” to find out why this song gives you a glimpse of more spectacular music to come. And don’t forget to check out Charlie Mac and these radio stations as well: WBLS, The Sol Kafe, H Music, SJR Media Group, Chayz Lounge Radio, STARZZ Radio, Wutz Hood Radio, KLEDLive FM and KCLA FM. Grateful That I Found Stuart via Music Xray Robertson Tait is, to put it in the words of his favourite songwriter/singer, the immensely amusing (in a cutting way) lyricist Bob Dylan, “like a complete unknown” as far as the music industry is concerned. He was a former Scottish swim champion, British Swim Team member and a 3 time All-American. He is also an equestrian competitor and an equestrian coach certified by the Canadian Equestrian Federation. Robertson was also a part of many TV productions, films and once even an opera as a British Actor’s Equity member while he was still living in London. But he wasn't singing then. He picked up a guitar three years ago, and as they say, one chord led to another. Currently he is completely taken over by music and is struggling to find a way to materialize the musical concepts in his head. He says: “Production is my biggest problem but it was just so great to work with Stuart Epps who I found via Music Xray and get the satisfaction of the added dimension he supplied. I guess I’d really like for my songs to be picked up by a name artist who could bring to the table all that their production team could achieve.” Robertson had the chance to work with Stuart Epps (we believe there's no need for any more introduction with this great music producer) for his song Homeless in New York and couldn't be more happier with the results. His email goes... Upon submitting a song for consideration, Stuart gave a very quick response and an encouraging critique despite the rather bare bones nature of my recording. He basically took my song demo and after a brief discussion of the sound I envisaged, realized the full concept that was in my head. I am thrilled with the way he makes the song build and build to that great ending, just great. Stuart is very generous with ideas and suggestions, clearly his vast experience allows him to call upon a reservoir of concepts for different sounds. With great patience, he was always open to my vision of how I wanted the song to sound and very ready with all means at his disposal to achieve what I was looking for. Stuart also, very helpfully, suggested using the great voice of Juliet Gough to do harmony and give a really haunting sound to the ending – fabulous! I am truly grateful that I found Stuart via Music Xray and amazed at how approachable a guy with his background turned out to be. In short, Stuart’s work is superlative and he’s great to work with! Thanks again for the service that Music Xray provides for musicians to connect with industry professionals. You're welcome Robertson and we thank you as well for believing in our platform. We are happy that you got connected with Stuart through the site and rest assured that we will continue to have caliber music industry professionals like him. Listen to Robertson's original demo of Homeless in New York and listen to Stuart Epps Mix in his full EPK here and make up your own mind. We are sure you will not have doubts with Stuart so always be on the look out for his latest opportunities on his Music Xray profile here. My Faith Has Been Restored Michael Dimitri has been a musician his whole life. Writing songs and performing them is all he wanted to do since he was young. Born in Alabama, Michael lived in New England, Canada, the UK and has traveled all over Europe. These days you'll find him in Forth Worth Texas. Michael worked with Wilson Pickett, Jaco Pastorius, Dreamworks and the Presley estate. Although known professionally and promoted primarily as a vocalist and songwriter, Michael also plays the guitar, bass, drums, percussion and piano, and have worn the Musical Director's hat for television and the theater as an orchestral arranger. He has a drawer full of songs, a suitcase full of lyrics and he is very ready to have his music heard. And we are thankful that when Michael chose a service to help him get his songs to the ears of music professionals, he selected Music Xray. He sent us an email recently informing us that his song "I Am Somebody" was selected by WHOMAG Multimedia for the upcoming film "Errand Boys" and his songs "Summertime", "Where Did It All Go Wrong", "Changing World" as well as "I Am Somebody" and "We Are All One" have all been chosen by Eddie “Sea” Caldwell for a publishing/licensing contract. His email goes on... "In total I’ve submitted for 8 opportunities and two of them were for critiques only but still they were also very favorable. Currently I am awaiting a decision on my last submission. Through the years, I have become rather cynical. I’ve had some great success with my music over the last 40 years but I’ve also had some major heartbreaks and dealings with con artists. I am pleased to announce that my faith has been restored. Thank you Music Xray. Just thought I’d let you know." Well thank you so much for letting us know about this great news Michael! It's always nice to hear success stories like this and you can count on us to continue on the path we started, to keep improving and building more features for both our artists and music professionals. Music Xray will continue to be the 21st Century A&R Platform. Check out Eddie “Sea” Caldwell and WHOMAGMultimedia and be the next artist to work with these music pros. Do check out Michael Dimitri's music as well and find out why it caught Eddie and WHOMAG's interests. Carol Blaze Connects with the Awesome Charlie Mac Written, performed, and recorded by A.T. Vish, aka Carol Blaze, is created within a world of cyber-space, analog performance, and dark imagination. Originally conceived as the soundtrack to a fictional character by the same name, Carol Blaze set out to create music filtered through his own musical sensibilities and limitations. Carol Blaze was the drummer in Pittsburgh City Theater's production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch and most recently, the drummer in Rapp's Without You. He has recorded/produced many musicians including Peace Project, Between the Waters, Debutante, Boxstep, The Drag Strippers, Violaria, Freddy Hall, and others. Carol Blaze's music is expressive and atmospheric, blurring the lines of Rock, Pop, and Indie music genres. With influences ranging from Nick Cave to U2 and nothing in between, Carol Blaze is devoted to pushing the boundaries when it comes to his music. And just like Carol Blaze is devoted to his music, MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK's Charlie Mac is devoted as well to pitch his music for placements and distribute it to their partners for external licensing. And why wouldn't he when Carol Blaze is the newest Rock Aritst/Band/Producer/Songwriter to join their team with 30 new tracks accepted into their catalog. Here's an update from Charlie Mac: Carol Blaze had 2 songs added to our playlist which is constantly reviewed by record labels, publishers, A&R's, Music Supervisors, film and TV producers, as well as many other music industry professionals. Carol Blaze had 29 tracks distributed to our #3 partner for external licensing. (Cox, Comcast, McDonald's, Applebees, Adidas, Gucci, Burberry, MGM, Hard Rock) Carol Blaze had 29 tracks distributed to our #4 partner for external licensing. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) Carol Blaze had 29 tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, Several US and overseas radio stations) Carol Blaze had 29 tracks distributed to our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) Carol Blaze had 29 tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, Several US and overseas radio stations) Carol Blaze had 14 tracks distributed to our #4 partner for external ringtone distribution. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) Carol Blaze had 15 tracks distributed to by our #12 distribution partner for external licensing (distribution, downloads, ringtones, streaming, retail, China, Korea, Japan). 1 track from Carol Blaze is being pitched for placement in a new TV show. 2 tracks from Carol Blaze are being pitched for placement in a Feature Film that needs upbeat Rock music. That is one long list and Charlie probably has more opportunities in store for Carol Blaze. Charlie Mac continues to shine as an independent A&R, providing critiques and artist development, out of his passion for guiding artists on how to establish themselves as viable artist in today’s ever changing music business. Charlie founded the publishing company MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK in 2004 and from there he has established a consistent track record of identifying songs that will be successful in a music licensing format. Music Xray artists whose songs Charlie Mac added into their catalog and pitched for placements are Charles Clark, Alan James Lorden, Eduardo de la Iglesia, Rene Saucier, Noah Silver, Matthew Meadows and Mike Goudreau. And in addition to this, Charlie had also placed three of our artist's songs for a Spike Lee film and is in the process of signing others for distribution deals and placements. So do check out Charlie Mac's multiple opportunities and have the chance to work with this awesome music producer. And let's not forget to check out Carol Blaze's music in his full Music Xray EPK. Figleaf Records Success with Music Xray Music Professionals Figleaf Records is one of the many record labels and production companies that trust Music Xray to open more doors of opportunity for their artists. Robert Figlo of Figleaf Records and Figlo Music Publishing sent us an email recently about one of their artists, Dan Rio who has been having a fair amount of success these days with Music Xray. The email he sent us was short but we do think it's awesome and really worth sharing: “H Music has licensed two of our songs by Dan Rio namely Listen to the Rain and Bye Bye Baby. Mia Bajin selected Listen to the Rain. WAP Publishing licensed all 11 of Dan Rio's songs. Marie Braden licensed Listen to the Rain and Suckfree Radio selected 5 of Dan Rio's songs for internet radio.” Truly awesome isn't it? And who is Dan Rio you may ask. Dan Rio is a singer, songwriter and guitarist who has grabbed the attention of fans and critics with his diverse blend of Urban Pop, Rock, R&B, Motown and Country styles. Dan writes all of his own music and lyrics and performs on acoustic, electric and dobro guitars as well as providing both lead and backup vocals. He has released two albums, Way Too Fast and Listen to the Rain, his first album for Figleaf Records. And like Robert's email, we're keeping this one short but sweet so listen to Dan Rio's song Listen to the Rain, as well as his other songs, in his full EPK here and find out why success keeps pouring like rain for him. And of course we would love for you to give some of the music professionals a shot if you think your music fits in with the opportunity dropboxes they currently have up. Here are the links for H Music, Mia Bajin, WAP Publishing, Marie Braden and Suckfree Radio. Annelise Receives Call from The Voice Hailing from Miami, Florida, Pop vocalist and songwriter Annelise Collette began her career at a very early age. Annelise has been privileged with a musical upbringing, captivating audiences on stage by age three, She graduated from the prestigious New World School of the Arts/University of Florida, where she majored in Musical Theater. Annelise's vocal performance background includes both classical and contemporary pop genres. At age ten, she joined the professional Florida touring company The Songs of Broadway where audiences have seen her on high-profile stages throughout Florida. Annelise has been with Music Xray for some time now and we were happy to hear from her especially when we found out it was another pick from The Voice. Here is what she sent us: "I was contacted by producers of The Voice last week and was asked to come in for a private audition with the producers (for season 3) in March. I didn’t apply nor did I submit anything so I assume Music Xray had something to do with it. The requested that I sing one of my original songs and 2 covers (full songs). Keeping my fingers crossed! From what I was told, they are taping for 7 weeks this summer. Love you guys and thanks for all you do!" Well we love all of the music that you make so kudos right back at you! And for those of you who would like to hear more of here music check out her full Music Xray EPK. And we are glad to see the collective ratings of our music professionals along with the new search feature in action. Keep in mind that these two features are only accessible only to our music professionals and are unique to any other platform striving to be like ours. Just a couple of ways that make connecting to artists that much easier while making Music Xray The 21st Century A&R. Lucky 13 for Music Xray Artists at the 2012 Artists in Music Awards We at Music Xray are happy to announce that The 2012 Artists in Music Awards held last February 10, 2012 at the Key Club in Hollywood, California was a big success. It was a night filled with laughter, music and tons of surprises. Coming off the inaugural Artist in Music Awards event, the awards night trekked in an unprecedented 1,200 to 1,375 people in attendance. Initially, the organizers only anticipated 600 and hoped to bring in 800. The turn out far exceeded their expectations. Aside from the great performances from Music Xray artists Katie Cole, Donny B Lord, Nobody Gets Killed, Dayda Bass and Monks of Mellonwah, thirteen was the lucky number for Music Xray as 12 of our artists won 13 out of the 22 awards given out that night. Couldn't believe it? Check out this list: Artist of the Year ― Laura Vall Album of the Year ― AOEDE Best Alternative Artist ― Nobody Gets Killed Six Chambers Rock Artist of the Year ― Katie Cole Best Pop Artist ― Spaceship Days Best R&B / Soul Artist ― DevonSol Best Folk / Acoustic Artist ― AOEDE Best Jazz Artist ― Stevie Hawkins Best Indie Rock Artist ― Monks of Mellonwah Best Dance Artist ― Donny B Lord Best Electronica Artist ― DYMAXION VEHICLE Best Punk Artist ― The Bots LBGTQ Person of the Year ― Laura Vall Here's what host Mikey Jayy had to say about one of this year's most unforgettable event, “Between 1,200 and 1,375 attended the 2012 Artists in Music Awards. It was such a major success, that the Mayor of Hollywood named me an honorary representative of Independent Music and I am now apart of an exclusive group called, "The Coalition". The Coalition is an elite group of music promoters that are officially endorsed by the City of Hollywood. This opportunity is going to open the doors to so many more opportunities... I will make some big announcements in the coming weeks.” Congratulations to you Mikey and to all these artists. You definitely make your Music Xray family so proud. And do keep us posted with those big announcements as we are definitely looking forward to it! With the first awards show on their belt, Mikey Jayy and his staff are diligently working on the 2013 Artists in Music Awards and they will make 2013 even better than the first. Come join them and hopefully more of our Music Xray artists on February 8, 2013 for one of the biggest music events in independent music right in Hollywood, CA as The Great Unknowns Presents will be showcasing the 2013 Artists in Music Awards! Can't wait to see you there! Exit 22 Says Hats Off to David Snow Former Arista, EMI producer, LA Reid associate and respected industry veteran, David Snow has an amazing ability to showcase your talent and capture your unique artistic vision in his productions. David is very diverse and can do all styles of music from Rap, R&B, Pop to Latin. After touring as a multi-instrumental "go-to man" with a variety of national acts in the 80's, David decided to leave the "road life" and pursue his passion of recording and producing music. He has been a musical “miracle worker” ever since, helping up-and-coming artists and transforming their music. He founded Little Hipster Music in 1985 and produced many unsigned artists. As a direct result of David's demo/masters, artists have gotten major record deals with Arista, Sony, Warner, and EMI. With numerous songwriting, album and production credits under his belt, David is an experienced producer with the ability to make your talent shine and bring your music to life. Music Xray band Exit 22 had the chance to work with David Snow for their track “Mistake of the Year” which they plan to pitch to radio and to young teen/tween artists. David worked diligently on making sure the mix was hot and the production was radio-ready. “David was killer in the entire process, from reviewing and critiquing our tracks right down to the smallest detail within our song. With an ear for modern production and an extremely ambitious work ethic, David took our track and turned it into a solid, powerful production worthy of pop radio today. David was able to add a ton of great production to the track, including loops, a breakdown and some additional delays that really brought the song to life. One can hear shades of Avril Lavigne and female-fronted pop/rock bands within the track, thanks to David's ability to draw the potential out of the song and create another sonic masterpiece. David was also extremely easy to contact and to talk to and always provided advice and descriptions of what he was doing. I doubt that anywhere in the world would you get such personal service from a top-notch producer. Overall our experience with David was fantastic and we would not hesitate to use him again for mixing/production and song critiquing. Our hat goes off to David for his work on our project! You can check the results here"- Maggie and Chris of Exit 22 We are truly excited with this new project by David Snow and Exit 22. And we couldn't be happier that again we were instrumental in making this possible. Check out Exit 22's Pop/Rock/Easy Listening song in their full EPK Exit 22 and check out David Snow's Initial Critique Leading to Full Production opportunity here. Exit 22 is currently doing a Kickstarter Fundraiser Project to help fund the work they're doing with the producers they met via Music Xray, which includes Stuart Epps. They have begun the process of seeking out and hiring world-class producers to mix/master their music and they need Kickstarter support to complete the project. Chronolung Gives Thanks to Stuart Epps “At last a great band that can really play their instruments!” - Stuart Epps, Record Producer/Audio Engineer Chronolung is a declaration, a sound, an innovative mixture of staccato riffs and heavy melodic rhythms defining a new genre of rock music. This young power trio from Austin, Texas is spearheaded by Collin Fish on guitar and vocals, supported by his brother Kevin Fish on drums, and childhood friend Ian Grimes on bass. Their dynamic and soulful live performance substantiates that Chronolung is set to ignite a new form of musicianship. Chronolung had the chance to work with Stuart Epps, one of Music Xray's producers whose most noteworthy clients have included Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Brian Adams, Oasis, Robbie Williams, and Elton John, for their EP “Crank It”. Mixed and mastered by Stuart, Chronolung’s second EP is a collection of the band’s best recordings yet. The music is infectious, appealing to many genres such as rock, alternative, metal and pop fans of all ages. Below is the email we received from Chronolung band members Collin, Kevin & Ian: Chronolung's connection with Stuart Epps through Music Xray came at a perfect time for the band. Stuart provides a great service to bands that don't have huge record company budgets but want huge results. Stuart took Chronolung's tracks recorded at home on Pro Tools and turned them into something very special. If a band usually wants a very professional sound, they need to spend a decent amount of time in a quality studio with a producer. The cost can be $20k+ but instead Stuart takes your home or studio recording, mixes them and ads his production ideas. The technology today allows any musician with a minimum budget and a little practice to get good sounding tracks recorded in their home. Mixing, production and mastering are a different thing though and that is where Stu comes in. On our EP "Crank It", Stuart took the raw tracks and heard "the sound" that the band should be working for. At one point, we were discussing the drummer's (Kevin Fish) sound as played on a Vistalite set in a very ambient room and Stuart said "this is the sound I used on Led Zeppelin's drums. That kind of experience is irreplaceable when it comes to making choices for mixing. On the song "Crank It", the ending section of the song had us stumped because it needed a little something else. Stu sampled the vocals from the first verse, dropped them into the song and they worked awesomely. In the bridge he added a little vocal harmony that fattened up the sound and provided a little counter point to the verse. All of these things that a seasoned producer hears in a song is what makes a truly professional result on a much smaller budget than what was common in the past. Stuarts mastering experience also guarantees that you will get good results on all audio systems. The EQ of the finished results were spot on. The mixes sound great everywhere. Thanks Stu from Chronolung! Congratulations to Stu and to Chronolung! Indeed another awesome connection with Stu who also had the chance to work with Music Xray artists Exit 22, Borboleta, Matthew Meadows and more. With decades of experienced garnered from working with the very best musicians at the top of the industry, coupled with a real love for music, Stu has an intuitive knack for knowing just what will make each track sound most authentic, a deep understanding of musicians and their needs and a clearheaded, dedicated approach to getting the job done. So working with Stu is working with a true legend who's always on top of his game. Check out Stuart Epps' multiple opportunities here and find out how it is to work with a seasoned producer. And listen to Chronolung's songs, from their "Crank It" EP, in their full EPK here to find out why they describe themselves as “unapologetic, freight train rock”. Kenya's Rebirth Kenya is a soulful and innovative singer/songwriter. "Music = air" for this artist as without it, she simply doesn't breathe. Singing since the age of 8, she was active in citywide choirs, jazz bands, show choirs and musical theater. In college, Kenya was a member of the renowned Howard Gospel Choir at Howard University and did background vocals for various independent artists. Her debut EP titled "Starting Over" is a testimony to Kenya's journey: she is returning to the gift of music after being away from the craft (having family, career as a therapist, etc.) and truly feels blessed to have this remarkable rebirth. And what a rebirth it was as when she chose to upload her songs from this EP to the site, she never expected more positive things will come out of it. Here is the wonderful email she sent us: "Just wanted to provide positive feedback to the Music Xray team. Two of my submissions were selected on the same day (2 for 2) a week ago by Stafford FM Radio and WHOMAG. The process was simple and the music professionals were very helpful and provided good guidance and feedback as well as follow up. Thank you for the continued opportunities. Your service has truly been an asset for me as I journey along as an indie artist. Keep up the great work!" - Kenya Happy for you Kenya and glad that we were instrumental in a way to make this musical journey of yours a positive one. And you can always count on us to think of better ways to improve our service. This is our commitment to you and to all of our artists on the site. Take the time to listen to Kenya's songs, from her debut EP titled "Starting Over", in her full EPK here . LA Music Licensing Firm's Own Success Story: Music Pro to Music Pro Music Xray has the capability to allow music professional to music professional submissions. We realized that times are changing for the traditional music industry that consists of a tight network of professionals who were a phone call away from each other. As the industry changes and these traditional and new music professionals need to reach out and make new contacts, we have built a system that allows that in a very non-intrusive way. Our music pros have the capability to have an unlimited number of bands and artists under their account and can submit to other music professionals who they might not be able to contact through traditional methods. Here is just one response from a Music Licensing Firm based in LA: I wanted to touch base and let you know that Music Xray is working. I sent a song to Cliff Audretsch for Toby Keith or other artists and it was selected. He wrote me and says he put it in a folder that he references before going in on projects. I've been trying to get in touch with Cliff for years... so thank you! A member of Music Xray for some time now this Music Licensing Firm based in Los Angeles, California is a company that has roughly 30 pitches per month. This firm represents artists, bands and labels for placements with music supervisors. Their placements include networks such as HBO, MTV, Showtime, ABC, NBC, AMC, Fox, Nickelodeon and various feature films, Indie films, and documentaries. They have multiple success stories on this page of ours already with the artists they've signed and whose songs they've pitched to various licensing deals. So it never really came as a surprise to us for them to finally have their “own success story”. We are more than happy that Music Xray continues to work for the music professionals on many levels. And definitely looking forward to more success stories from this music professional, the artist they manage and from all of our artists. Do take the time to check out this Music Licensing Firm's opportunities here as who knows, you might be part of their next success story. And don't forget to check out Cliff Audretsch's profile here as well. Multiple Music Xray Artists Nominated, in the Finals and Playing Live at the 2012 Artists in Music Awards The long wait is over! Coming to Hollywood, California on February 10, 2012 is the Artists in Music Awards. With performances from Music Xray artists Katie Cole, Donny B Lord, Nobody Gets Killed, Dayda Bass and Monks of Mellonwah, the 2012 Artists in Music Awards' mission is to create a music award platform to not only promote but to give special recognition to the best unsigned and independent music artists from around the world. The nominees and winners were determined by a special committee comprised of the entertainment industry, media, and fan votes. And Music Xray proves to be the #1 choice and source of great music with many of our artists and bands making it to the final list of nominees. They are (not in any order) : Katie Cole ― nominated for Best Rock Artist Nobody Gets Killed ― nominated for Best Alternative Artist Donny B Lord ― nominated for Best Dance Artist Devonsol ― nominated for Best Dance Artist and Best R&B/Soul Artist Dancelife Metro ― nominated for Best Electronica Artist Kenny Love ― nominated for Best Jazz Artist Dymaxion Vehicle ― nominated for Best Electronica Artist Laura Vall ― nominated for Best Rock Artist and Artist of the Year Danny Barca ― nominated for Best Folk/Acoustic Artist and Best Blues Artist Aoede ― nominated for Best Folk/Acoustic Artist and Album of the Year Melissa VanFleet ― nominated for Best Singer/Songwriter Meru Matu ― nominated for Best Solo Artist Spencer Kane ― nominated for Best Solo Artist and Album of the Year Haster ― nominated for Best Metal Band and Artist of the Year DMT ― nominated for Best Metal Band Luci ― nominated for Best Latin Artist Chamber of Echoes ― nominated for Best Electronica Tomi Kenn ― nominated for Best Dance Artist Young-N-Fabulous ― nominated for Best R&B/Soul Artist X.O. ― nominated for Best R&B/Soul Artist Khela ― nominated for Best R&B/Soul Artist Rena Wren ― nominated for Best Folk/Acoustic Artist Alexandra Legouix & the Sunflowers ― nominated for Best Latin Artist Trevor Sewell ― nominated for Best Blues Artist Stevie Hawkins ― nominated for Best Blues Artist and Best Jazz Artist OLIO ― nominated for Best Blues Artist Reachback ― nominated for Best Rock Artist, Artist of the Year, Best Pop Artist, and Best Indie Rock Artist Spaceship Days ― nominated for Best Pop Artist Audrianna Cole ― nominated for Best Pop Artist Monks of Mellonwah ― nominated for Best Rock Artist and Best Indie Rock Artist Jessica Caylyn ― nominated for Best Country Artist The Bots ― nominated for Best Punk Artist Bad Bad Meow ― nominated for Best Punk Artist SCRUPULOUS ― nominated for Best Punk Artist Twenty7 ― nominated for Best Indie Rock Artist Ivan Martinez ― nominated for Best Disc Jockey Maurico Herrera ― nominated for Best Latin Artist Ava Lemery ― nominated for Best Jazz Artist Elle Vee ― nominated for Best Singer/Songwriter and Best Solo Artist Dayda Bass ― nominated for Best Hiphop/Rap Artist A big congratulations to you guys! Your Music Xray family is so happy for you. And with the awards show not only presented live in front of hundreds of people but will also be streamed online in HD for viewers all over the world, we are sure that this will help showcase your music to a wider audience and will further open doors of opportunities for you. So mark the date! Hosted by our very own music industry professional and all around great guy Mikey Jayy and an after-party with DJ Ray Rhodes and DJ Nate Wilson, the 2012 Artists in Music Awards is one event you shouldn't miss! And you will miss it if you do not get there by the 10th of February! Amely's Song on American Reunion Soundtrack Who can forget American Pie? A movie set on the summer of 1999 about four small-town Michigan boys who began a quest to lose their virginity and the first film in the American Pie film series? And although the film received mixed to positive reviews from critics, this was the movie that launched a comedy legend. The film was a box-office hit and spawned two direct sequels: American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003). Since the conclusion of the American Pie trilogy, featuring the courtship and marriage of the characters Jim Levenstein and Michelle Flaherty, American Pie has spawned four direct-to-DVD spin-off films bearing the title American Pie Presents: Band Camp(2005), The Naked Mile (2006), Beta House (2007) and The Book of Love (December 2009). In American Reunion, the fourth in the series and set to hit theaters this April, all the American Pie characters we met a little more than a decade ago return to East Great Falls for their high-school reunion. In one long-overdue weekend, they will discover what has changed, who hasn’t and that time and distance can’t break the bonds of friendship. And along with this, we at Music Xray are happy to announce that one of the bands on the site, Amely had their song pitched and placed in this latest installment of the American Pie Series. An update from the music professional himself: Good news! We've received confirmation for a song placement for the band, Amely in the upcoming feature film "American Reunion". We signed Amely through Music Xray so thanks for the great music! - Music Licensing Firm based in LA Amely has already been making their mark on the music scene despite only forming less than a year ago. Amely has completed three national tours, opened for All Time Low, played the Unsilent Night Festival with A Day to Remember, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Breathe Carolina and performed on the Kevin Says Stage. Love for the band has stretched to American Samoa in the South Pacific where the band performed in front of 8,000 people for Blue Sky’s 10 Year Bash. Check out Amely's music, a blend of spirited rock spiked with a healthy dose of power pop influence, in their full EPK here. Check out the LA based Music Licensing Firm's multiple opportunities here as well and be a part of their next success story. Mike Goudreau Continues to Succeed Born in 1965 in Newport, Vermont into a musical family with an English mother and a French-Canadian father, Mike Goudreau picked up his first guitar at age 14 and hasn't stopped playing since. And his diverse interests and influences when it comes to music is the reason why Mike is comfortable in so many musical genres, especially jazz and blues. For the past four years, Mike has been working on getting his many songs published for Film/TV in the U.S. and Europe. His hard work has paid off with hundreds of songs signed to date and placements on such TV shows as: Everybody Hates Chris (CW), Dirty Sexy Money (ABC), Army Wives (Lifetime), Kath & Kim (NBC), George Lopez Show (TBS), Justified (FX), Scoundrels (ABC), Friday Night Lights (ABC), Let's Make A Deal (CBS), Memphis Beat (TNT) and Hung (HBO) most notable. In addition, 32 of his songs have been part of 6 Jazz CD box sets distributed in Europe and Asia with Sony/BMG and Universal. But Mike's success doesn’t stop there though as he is the newest Blues Artist/Producer/Songwriter to join Charlie Mac's team with 48 new tracks accepted into their catalog. Aside from being considered for a feature film and distributing his tracks to their partners for external licensing, MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK's Charlie Mac has pitched Mike's songs for placements. Here's an update straight from Charlie: Mike Goudreau had 2 songs added to our playlist which is constantly reviewed by record labels, publishers, A&R's, music supervisors, film and TV producers, as well as many other music industry professionals. Mike Goudreau had 29 tracks distributed to our #4 partner for external licensing. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) 1 track from Mike is being strongly considered for a feature film looking for Acoustic Blues songs. 1 track from Mike is being pitched for placement in a network TV series. Mike Goudreau had 29 tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, several US and overseas radio stations) Mike Goudreau had 29 tracks distributed to our #3 partner for external licensing. (Cox, Comcast, McDonald's, Applebees, Adidas, Gucci, Burberry, MGM, Hard Rock) 1 track from Mike is being pitched for placement in a film/video production. Mike Goudreau had 18 additional tracks distributed to our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) Mike Goudreau had 18 additional tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, several US and overseas radio stations) Mike Goudreau had 10 additional tracks distributed to our #4 partner for external ringtone distribution. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) 1 track from Mike is being pitched for placement in a new TV show. Mike Goudreau had 1 track distributed to our #12 distribution partner for external licensing. (distribution, downloads, ringtones, streaming, retail, China, Korea, Japan) Mike Goudreau had 1 track distributed to our #11 distribution partner for external licensing. (Digital distribution, Streaming, Downloads, Album compilations) Happy for Mike's continued success and we are positive that through Music Xray, he will have more in the future. Take the time to listen to Mike's full EPK here and find out what makes his music different from all the other songs you've heard before. Check out Charlie Mac's multiple opportunities here as well as you might be the next artist to join their team. Collective Filtering Pre-Screens Seven Artists for The Voice In mid-December 2010, NBC announced its intention to bring an adaptation of The Voice of Holland to the United States. The series was originally named The Voice of America but when audition locations were announced a few days later, the title had already been shortened to The Voice. The series was hosted by Carson Daly with coaches/judges Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine (front man for Maroon 5), Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton. The series consists of three phases: a blind audition, a battle phase, and live performance shows. The Voice immediately proved to be a hit and will return to NBC for a second season on February 5, 2012. All four coaches are returning for Season 2 with Christina Milian taking over the social media correspondent spot. Using the collective filtering feature on the site - where the ratings musicians receive from industry professionals on Music Xray are compiled and shown back to all the professionals who use the site - seven artists have been selected for pre-screening as potential contestants for the The Voice's second season. The artists are: Diamante - Impossible Andrew Ryan - Sugarlaced Dillon Dixon - Invisible Alisha Pillay - Re-energize Me Taylor Bright - Psycho Mary Sarah - Dear Diary Song Rory Sullivan - Out of Here These artists may be contacted directly by the casting company for further auditions and conversations about participation on the show. Congratulations to these artists and we are truly happy for them especially because our collective filtering feature made this possible. Remember that with Music Xray, whether your song was selected or not, the industry professional will give your song a rating. After your track has accrued 5 ratings on five separate submissions, it will be placed on a special library that music professionals check everyday. Collect enough high ratings and your song will float to the top of the list where it may be picked up by any company that sees it. Do watch our latest video to know more on how our collective ratings feature works, as well as our other features and tools especially designed and created to help artists/musicians/song owners, here. Antonio Cunha Signs Tiffany Tatum Antonio J. Cunha is a BMI Music Publisher, music promoter and owner of 'T J C Communications Publishing BMI', a music promoting company that offers opportunities for unsigned bands to get more recognition and better opportunities. They sign new artists and bands in different genres of music promoting them through radio, music distribution TV/films/video games. In Antonio’s last success story he announced that he signed up Djevon Earle and also mentioned that he is looking to sign Tiffany Tatum. In his recent email, Antonio made a very “interesting report” in regards to this one: We have news to report that we are signing a new artist from Music Xray to our music publishing company. Her name is Tiffany Tatum and we are very excited on this new artist who holds a lot of potential. Thought you would like to hear some good news. Definitely it's good news Antonio. We are happy for Tiffany! Born and raised in Dallas, Tiffany grew up in a music talented family. Music has been a part of her soul and believes that real music sooths the mind and heals the heart and speaks what cannot be expressed. Check out Tiffany's music here. And check out Antonio's latest opportunities, when he is ready to find more artists, here. Eddie Caldwell Shopping Songs at Midem 2012 Eddie "Sea" Caldwell is a songwriter/producer who has his own catalog of songs and has placements of all genres in film/TV/Ads/media and along with connections in the US has publishing, digital distribution and film/sync deals in multiple countries. Eddie also works in A&R - developing and consulting new talented artist and grooming them for the long haul in the music industry. Such accomplishments has lead Eddie to several publishing and licensing deals across the world. At Midem 2011, Eddie successfully closed 12 publishing/licensing and digital distribution deals and is still in negotiations with several other record companies. Eddie recently opened a drop box on the site were in he's taking on bands to represent at Midem 2012 in Cannes, France. He will represent and shop their music as far as publishing deals, record deals, touring, licensing, distribution, etc. And as Midem 2012 is fast approaching, we couldn’t be more happier to hear some really good news from Eddie in regards to this one. Here is the update he sent us: All in all I'll be shopping 5 artists/bands I met through the opportunity dropbox on Music Xray: Zaina Juliette Cory George Scott Mahoney The American Strays Pink Lemonade All are outstanding artists. I hope to have some great news soon. I sent quite a few songs to NBC and the E channel a few days ago from Music Xray artists. Also, I've been negotiating with music professional Bill McCormick about Music Xray artist dVolume regarding several songs for his movie "Motel Hell". He liked quite a few. Truly happy to have you on the site Eddie and appreciate everything you've been doing for these artists. Thanks so much for sharing and we are really looking forward to more great news soon! Want Eddie to shop your music as well? Then take the time to check out his multiple opportunities here. Noah Silver's Connection After Connection After Connection Noah Silver is a singer/songwriter based out of Washington, D.C. whose music sounds like reggae strawberries dipped in pop-rock chocolate with a few mysterious spices added for variety. Noah has had the pleasure of playing shows at the 2008 ING New York City Marathon, World Cafe Live and Doc Watson's in Philadelphia, The 8x10 in Baltimore and the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. among many other venues. Noah has been an artist on the site for sometime now and has had his own share of success he would often share on our Facebook page. We never really imagined how much success he have had on the site as he would never elaborate about it. Not until we received his email to which we can only say, awesome. Noah wrote: I joined a little over a year ago and instantly began seeing results. That's not to say I don't get my share of rejections. If you look at my submissions history you'll see five (maybe more) rejections for every selection. It's important to not get discouraged, continue to find ways to improve as an artist and be smart about the listings you decide to submit to. Here's a summary of what's happened for me through Music Xray: I recently had a large amount of my songs selected by Eddie Caldwell for placements. It was my song Glimmer and Glamour that originally got selected and got me in the door with Eddie. My song "Pool Hall" was featured on two FM radio stations in Los Angeles. It got played four times in one week on one of Uncle Earl's radio shows. My song "Cupid's Come Around To Me" was selected by Avala DSF. My song "Oh So Sweet feat. Kane (Modern Science Remix)" was selected by We Are Making Stars for potential placement. A large amount of my catalog were selected by WAP Publishing for placements. My song "Retro Girl" was featured on Suckfree Radio and recently my new songs "Pool Hall" and "Werewolf" just got picked up for future airtime as well. "Werewolf" will receive airtime around Halloween. My songs "Cupid's Come Around To Me", "Cupid's Come Around To Me (acoustic)" and "I'd Give Up My Ears For You" were selected and are under consideration from Wayne Thompson for potential placement in future projects. My song "Cupid's Come Around To Me" was selected by LA Music Licensing Firm library for placements. My song "Retro Girl" was featured by Chris Herlihy on Off the Chart radio (UK). I had a song selected for the movie Errand Boys. Also, I've had songs selected by David Steele, IMT Agency, African Radio, and Rick DiFonzo, and Jay Adkins. And just before we released this success story, we received a new email from Noah saying: I submitted "Glimmer and Glamour feat. Hannah Spiro" to Charlie Mac last night and it got selected to be pitched for placements. Truly awesome Noah. Happy for all the success you've been getting via Music Xray and with the positive attitude you have, we are sure there will be more that will come your way. Listen to Noah's Pop/Rock/Ska/Swing songs in his entire EPK here and find out for yourself why music industry professionals are interested in his music. Mia Bajin: Ready for Change Mia Bajin is an international management executive with extensive experience in general business and sports development and marketing of music artists, label development and brand marketing across the globe. Mia has been a music professional on the site for sometime now and, along with Music Xray, is host of the two Ready for Change live online seminars for artists. Ready for Change is a 60 min. free webinar that helps artists boost their careers with actual facts, examples and giveaways. Both webinars were a success so hearing more good news from Mia recently made everyone's day here. She wrote: After hosting two Ready for Change online seminars with the Music Xray Team, I've met a lot of amazing and talented folks who need nothing more but an extra push in order to gain more exposure. One group in particular, The Glimps, from France, swept me off my feet so they won a compilation spot which was hosted by DJ Q-Jay (The Game, 50 Cent, Kanye) and a 1on1 Skype personal career coaching meeting. After some time, The Glimps got back at me about the results on directions we set at the 1on1 meeting: “We wanted to let you know that thanks to your support and advice, we managed to move forward as we are currently #1 in Paris, #4 in France and #100 in the Global rank. Yesterday we were even #7 in the hot chart. We're very proud of all these achievements even though we know we still have a long way to go. Our one hour show (concert) is now ready and we started to book some concert in France.” Truly good news Mia! We are happy that the Ready for Change online seminars helped artists to be better in what they do and has opened new doors for them and their music. Are you ready for change? If yes, then check out Mia Bajin's multiple opportunities here. And listen to The Glimpse's music from their electro funk debute album in their full EPK here. Artist to Artist to Music Professional Marc Smith has been a professional musician for over 40 years and plays a variety of instruments but mainly guitar, bass and keyboards. He has traveled extensively with bands or as a soloist and has performed in most genres from Rock to Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Country, Celtic, World, Ambient, Dance, Electronica and Classical. Marc is a sound Engineer/Producer/Arranger and spends much of his time recording his own compositions. Even though Marc is not as well known as some fo the big name producers on the site, he is a music professional offering critiques and providing valuable feedback to artists. He says via the email he sent us, “I enjoy doing the critiques and sometimes opening up a dialogue with the songwriters. The last three I received were very good and one of them was excellent. I gave it five out of five.” Through Music Xray, Marc met songwriter Phil Webster who submitted to one of his drop boxes. Born in the UK in 1960, Phil began writing songs at 21. Influenced by Lennon, Davies, Weller, Harley and Paul Simon, though more recent influences include the current band of writers in the world of modern pop, Phil has written over 100 songs and is recently signed to a publishing company in Germany. Marc says, “Phil who submitted a great song to me last year has become a good friend despite our geographical separation since I am in Australia. We have been writing songs together for close to a year now and have had a couple accepted already. I guess this is what Music Xray is all about. Through a guy in Nashville named Warren Ells, who is also a part of Music Xray, Phil and I are starting to move some songs. It's all good news.” Truly good news for Marc and Phil and we couldn't be happier that all of these were made possible because of Music Xray. Check out Marc's profile here for his opportunities as you might be the next artist/songwriter he will be working with in the future. And don't forget to listen to Phil's songs in his full EPK here. And if you want to connect with Warren Ells you can do so here. Rene Saucier's Musical Journey “Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I've loved music all my life and I really believe that if music is in your blood, it is there forever!”- Rene Saucier. Rene Saucier got his first guitar when he was 14 years old and he has been hooked ever since. He has played in bands for years and although he is not doing it now, he still loves writing and recording in his home studio. He is into Classic Rock and Christian music and also loves Blues and Country. Rene is the newest Country Blues Artist/Producer/Songwriter to join Charlie Mac's team with 17 new tracks accepted into their catalog. MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK's Charlie Mac has pitched Rene's song for placements and distributed his tracks to their partners for external licensing. And Charlie was kind enough to send us in detail what he has been doing for Rene: Rene Saucier had 2 songs added to our playlist which is constantly reviewed by record labels, publishers, A&R's, Music Supervisors, film and TV producers, as well as many other music industry professionals. Rene Saucier had 11 tracks distributed to our #3 partner for external licensing. (Cox, Comcast, McDonald's, Applebees, Adidas, Gucci, Burberry, MGM, Hard Rock) 1 track from Rene is being pitched for placement in a film/video production. Rene Saucier had 11 tracks distributed to our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) Rene Saucier had 11 tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, Several US and overseas radio stations) Rene Saucier had 6 additional tracks distributed to our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) Rene Saucier had 6 additional tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, Several US and overseas radio stations) 1 track from Rene is being pitched for placement in a new TV show. Rene Saucier had his first placement with us with a track called "Welcome Home My Friend" which was picked up for use in a small low budget production. If you want to be a part of Charlie Mac's team, check out his profile here for his multiple opportunities and listen to Rene's Christian/Blues/Country music in his full EPK here to find out why he captured Charlie Mac's interest. What A Wonderful Experience Exit 22 – it’s not just another stop on the never-ending I-95 highway but the home of a hot Acoustic/Power/Pop/Rock act. Formed in the summer of 2000 after a chance meeting between Maggie and guitarist Chris Calamera. Exit 22 embarked on an exciting musical journey, adding members Mike Capriotti on lead violin and Matt Krupa to handle percussion duties. Success from their debut release came in the form of a chance submission to the national radio contest where Exit 22 found their single "Naked (With A Memory)" blasting across the New York City radio during the early-morning drive hours and making them a "Local Weekly Finalist" in the NYC area. Their achievement with the radio competition opened the door for promotion to the teenage and early-20's market, as well as the adult-AAA group that listens during the morning-drive hours in NYC. Chris Calamera sent us an email recently about Exit 22's experience in working with Stuart Epps. You see, Chris started to think about and understand that Exit 22 was at the point where they needed to have a professional producer to help move them further. He was very fortunate to have a great experience with a solid producer and here is what he shared with us: I wanted to send along some feedback on my work with Stuart Epps. What a wonderful experience. When trying to get to the top of your game in the music business, you have to roll the dice. I did in my hiring of Stuart and there aren't enough positive words in the dictionary to describe his abilities. The track I sent him was solid but to get a publishing deal, I needed some better mixing and production. Stuart suggested a better mix and background vocals and what I got was a wall of sound that can only be described as "awesome". I never had a professional to mix my music so I did not know what to expect but when you demo your track to friends and family that have heard your work over time it is priceless to hear their jaws drop and hear the utterance of "wow", "amazing" and "stunning" come out of their mouths. Stu's expertise is second to none and his professionalism is through the roof. I received my work back quickly for a first take and then a couple of revisions later we were ready to go. To say this process was amazing is an understatement. I thank Stu very much and do yourself a favor - hire Stu and go from "good" to "legendary". Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful experience with us Chris. Truly inspiring and we hope that other artists get the help they need from a seasoned producer like Stuart and the others on Music Xray. Exit 22 is currently doing a "Kickstarter" fundraiser project to help fund the work they're doing with the producers they met via Music Xray. They have begun the process of seeking out and hiring world-class producers to mix/master their music and they need Kickstarter support to complete the project. Read more about this here. Listen to Exit 22's song If You Call (Stuart Epps mix) here as well as their other songs here. Check out Stuart's opportunities here and find out what he can do for you and your music. Pete Berwick’s Quick Success Pete Berwick's journey began in Illinois in the mid seventies, hammering out irreverent country, roots rock and reckless honky-tonk rave ups night after night to anyone in the midwest who cared to listen. Then after almost fifteen years of non-stop performing he headed to Nashville with a fistful of songs and the clothes on his back. After years of belting it out in biker bars and nowhere dives, Pete now found himself opening shows for Charlie Daniels, Doug Kershaw, and other musical legends. He was invited to make cameo appearances in music videos by The Kentucky Headhunters and Travis Tritt. And he also appeared on a commercial for Monday Night Football. But as fast as luck goes up in Nashville, it comes down even faster. Berwick later moved back to his hometown in Northern Illinois and free from the publishing he released "Ain't No Train Outta Nashville" on his own label in 2007. It's been over thirty years since Pete Berwick stepped on a stage for the first time and like the country outlaws before him, he lives the songs and then writes about them and from the titles on his albums it's obvious that living hasn't always been easy. The only things that ever did come easy for this fifty one year old veteran are the hard breaks, yet Pete Berwick carries on down the road less traveled regardless of the potholes and roadblocks. Pete is one of the many artists who found Music Xray and was brave enough to try his luck on the site. And we couldn't be happier because Pete's efforts paid off: I submitted a pitch to Eddie Caldwell and within days he placed my song "Renegade" in the movie "Detention of the Dead." I am very impressed with this quick success and it confirms to me that Music Xray is for real. Eddie is now pitching more of my songs and there is no doubt in my mind he will place more. I am very glad to have Eddie going to bat for me. Thank you Music Xray and thank you Eddie Caldwell. Reading this email of yours really brought a smile to our hearts, Pete. You’re welcome and we would like to thank you too for believing in Music Xray. Listen to Pete’s Country/Rock songs in his full EPK here and check out Eddie “Sea” Caldwell's opportunities here. Suckfree Radio Finds S20 Helpful Suckfree Radio is an independently owned and operated online music media site dedicated to promoting a diverse range of music from emerging bands and artists all over the world. Every week, Suckfree Radio receives more than 2,000 unique visitors to the website and nearly 500 listeners to the Suckfree Radio Internet stream. And all bands and artists submitting their music to Suckfree Radio retain full legal rights to their music and may revoke their permission to be featured on Suckfree Radio at any time. John Kuhns, Program Director of Suckfree Radio has been using the Song to Opportunity Match (S2O) to help him find artists on Music Xray and he is truly happy with this service. Here is what he has to say: Oh my God! I just had the most incredible afternoon listening to some amazing new music! I have been using Music X-ray for about a year and a half and have heard some talented artists, but I finally decided to take the time to fully explore the S2O technology. I would recommend it to any A&R and Music Placement Professionals that are feeling burned out listening to that stack of unsolicited CDs taking up space on their desks. Recent standouts added to the Suckfree Radio playlist include: Alex Hirsch - Brown, Byrd & Champagne - Disastroid - Lc Johnson - Stevie Hawkins - Seven Weapons I listened to several of these submissions 2 or 3 times simply because they definitely don't suck! We are glad that our S2O technology is helping you in finding music and do keep us updated with all the new artists you will be selecting via Music Xray. Want to submit to Suckfree Radio's opportunities? Check them out here. Zaccheri Gray’s Progress on Music Xray Zaccheri Gray wrote, sang and entertained practically anyone who would listen and honed his unique talent to literally pick up an audience and take them along with him. He would spend afternoons as a youth humming, strumming and clapping along as his Italian grandfather crooned old arias and his father played his guitar and sang classic American folk songs. This is where Zaccheri became mused by verse, by song — by the power and life in all kinds of music. Today, with musical interests that range from Dylan to Bocelli to Tool to Sinatra, Zaccheri’s from-the-heart style and harmonic rhythms have garnered him a growing following throughout North America and one proud father back home. We received an email from Zaccheri telling us the recent success he had in using Music Xray. Here is what he sent to us: My song "Lullabyes Baby" was recently selected for the upcoming Errand Boys Movie. I have also been nominated for "Best Singer/Songwriter and Best Solo Artist" by the All Indie Music Awards. Again my song "Lullabyes Baby" was selected for the Hurricane Relief Project though I did not even pursue that deal. Also I got this incredible feedback from Wayne Thompson: “…an amazing talent. One of the brightest I have heard in a long time.” -Wayne Thompson (former manager of Harry Belafonte, Tanya Tucker and The Nylons) So far I am very happy with my progress on Music Xray and thought I would share! Thanks. Indeed this is an awesome progress Zaccheri and your Music Xray family is happy for you. Thanks so much for sharing and we are definitely looking forward for more! Take the time to listen to Zaccheri’s full Music Xray EPK here to see why music industry professionals are interested in his music. Sweet Rosie Makes Another Great Connection Don Ferro began as a recording artist for Mercury Records way back in the 60's and 70's. As he matured he found himself gravitating to writing and producing as his career direction. And eventually, he realized the best way to manage great music was to create publishing opportunities for each song. Don is the President of Sweet Rosie Music, a company dedicated to finding the very best songwriters and bringing their best material to market. We recently received an email from Don and we couldn’t be happier to share it with you: Here is some good news... we have just published a song that came to us through Music Xray. It is entitled "Little Things." It is a terrific country song. It was written by Elvira Walls, Allen Krehbiel, and Mark Berkowitz, all from the Denver, Colorado area and I am sure we would have never made contact with these writers without your platform. We anticipate a long and fruitful relationship with these writers as they have a well developed understanding of "commercial appeal." Thanks again for all of your efforts in developing your platform. We think it works just great and we think it truly will revolutionize A&R. We truly appreciate all the nice words Don and extending our congratulations to these artists/songwriters. Glad that Music Xray served as a bridge for you guys to meet and make all of these possible. Listen to the full EPK by Elvira Walls and check out Don’s latest opportunities here. Potential Songs for Point A to Point B Steve Jennings has been playing and recording music since 1980 and since 1996 he has been developing deeper contacts in the industry and has shifted from being only a musician to more of a music professional and it has payed off. Steve's focus has been on 101 Distribution where he gets to combine his passions for music, communication and networking to help artists achieve their desired results throughout the artistic process from pre-production to traditional and digital distribution. And with 101 Distribution they are the only independently owned full-service music and video distributor in the nation and they have maintained a perfect A+ rating with the BBB for the last six years. Steve and the organization are both very impressive. Steve opened a dropbox on Music Xray seeking music for the soundtrack for the new film "Point A to Point B" which is directed and written by Scott Wilson. Here are the songs that have made the short list: For The Sake Of The Cat by The Corner Laughers What It's Like On The Otherside by Hills Rolling (Trey McGriff) Nothing New In My Rearview by Mark Denny Preston Baisez-Moi (Kiss Me) by featuring Jovi Rockwell/written by Gail Vareilles and Tommy Faragher and Jovi Rockwell S.O.S. d'un terrien en détresse by Nadine Stern Et si tu m'aimes pas by Graciellita Aint Gonna Letcha by Audrianna Cole Now that is a great list artists and music to chose from. Looks like they have their hands full in picking out the final ones for the soundtrack. Check out Steve's latest opportunities here. Eduardo de la Iglesia Joins Charlie Mac's Team Eduardo de la Iglesia is an award-winning composer born in Madrid, Spain. Since he was seven years old he has been studying music in many important institutions. Eduardo plays several instruments such as the guitar, viola, piano, ocarina, Celtic flute and more. He composed music for many video games, plays, short movies and documentaries. Eduardo is the newest orchestral composer to join Charlie Mac's team with 27 new tracks accepted into their catalog. Charlie Mac of MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK shared with us what he has been doing for Eduardo: 2 tracks from Eduardo were sent to a filmmaker in Miami to be considered for a new film. 2 tracks from Eduardo to be considered for the Spike Lee film. Eduardo had 3 songs added to our playlist which is constantly reviewed by record labels, publishers, A&R's, Music Supervisors, film and TV producers, as well as many other music industry professionals. Eduardo had 13 tracks distributed to our #4 partner for external licensing. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) Eduardo had 13 tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, Several US and overseas radio stations) 1 track from Eduardo is being pitched for placement in a new Reality TV show. 3 tracks from Eduardo are being pitched for placement as a film director's graphic logo. 1 track from Eduardo is being pitched for placement in a network TV series. Eduardo had 13 tracks distributed to our #3 partner for external licensing. (Cox, Comcast, McDonald's, Applebees, Adidas, Gucci, Burberry, MGM, Hard Rock) 1 track from Eduardo is being pitched for placement in a film/video production. Eduardo had 13 tracks distributed to our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) Eduardo had 9 additional tracks distributed to our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) Eduardo has 3 tracks being pitched for placement in a film project that's Seeking a Music Composer. Eduardo had his first placement with us with a track called "Camels Ahead" placed with Black Noise Media for their boogievision graphic logo. 1 track from Eduardo is being pitched for placement in a new TV show. Eduardo had "Camels Ahead" placed in the film "You're Nobody til Somebody Kills You" in connection with Black Noise Media, behind their boogievision graphic logo. 1 track from Eduardo is being pitched for placement as background music for an iPhone game. Check out the latest opportunities from Charlie Mac and you can hear Eduardo de la Iglesia's epk here. Jamie Gazelle has Twelve Songs Signed for Worldwide Deals Eddie "Sea" Caldwell has been working with Music Xray for some time and has been signing artists for various deals. When he shared his last success story he told us at the end of it "I'm sure I'll have tons of news to share with you in the next few months about Music Xray artists!". Well one of the newly signed artists beat him to the punch! Jamie Gazelle has been with Music Xray for just a little while but if you take a look at his EPK you can see some really good music coming from him and the artists he is working with. His solid music and the submissions that he made led to a nice little success story shared by Dan Scott, who works with Jamie. He was nice enough to share the following with us: Eddie "Sea" Caldwell from Music of the Sea Publishing of Chicago, Illinois has just hooked up with "Jamie Gazelle" of Austin, TX. Eddie listened to the song Be With You and just absolutely loved it with the very first listen. Eddie has since decided on more of Jamie's tunes and is already securing deals worldwide with his awesome catalogues and prowess in the publishing arenas. Chalk up another one for Music Xray the true a/r champ. The deal took no time at all to complete with 12 total songs signed with more to come. As always we are so happy to see our artists getting more signed and we are happy to see Eddie finding more artists through our platform. Check out Eddie's latest opportunities here. The 2012 Artists in Music Awards The 2012 Artists in Music Awards was created to honor and recognize the best independent music artists from around the world. With over a year of planning, the launch of All Indie Music Awards is finally underway. On Friday February 10th, 2012 the All Indie Music Awards will be hosted at the famous Key Club located on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, CA. Artists will have a chance to submit their music for nomination and a chance to win an award from a wide array of music categories. These artists will also have a chance to fill in one of six available live spots to show off their talent and play in front of hundreds of celebrities and guests from all over the world. Mike Jayy updated us about the selection of artists who will perform live during the event. Here is his update: "The 2012 Artists in Music Awards is proud to announce that they have selected five artists to perform live on February 10, 2012. Of those five performers, three are current members of Music Xray including Donny B. Lord, Katie Cole, and Nobody Gets Killed. The committee chose these three artists from Music Xray, because we not only loved these artists' music, but felt their live stage performances demonstrated they posses incredible stage presence and the true charisma that is emulated from a major record artist. There are open spots that remain to be filled and the All Indie Music Awards is looking for anyone that is not only talented, but has a gift to entertain a large audience." Submit your best song here and get a chance to perform live in the event. Antonio Finds New Artists Antonio J. Cunha who is a BMI Music Publisher shared some great news with us in regards to the artists that he has found through Music Xray. Here is what he had to share with us: Just want to let you know that we have signed Djevon Earle and we are looking to sign Tiffany Tatum and Peleboy which have all submitted to our opportunity dropbox on Music Xray. Hopefully we will sign the other two artists mentioned within the next few weeks. Our company is making some great strides and hopefully by the end of January we will partner up with an investor. That will allow us to sign some even more artists to develop. And when that happens we will be looking to sign more artists from Music Xray. We are going to partner up with a music concert promoter from San Francisco as well. We have been talking about opening up our own record label as well since we run so many of the functions of a traditional label. Like to personally thank Bert and Mike for helping us find such great talent. Hopefully I’ll be looking for more artists through Music Xray soon enough but for now we have found such great talent that we are holding off. As soon as we are ready though you will be the source! Well that is just great news and we are happy to see Music Xray working for Antonio and the artists that he is finding on the platform. Check out Djevon Earle's EPK here and Antonio's latest opportunities, when he is ready to find more artists, here. Second Round of Artists Getting Royalties Paid Monthly Marie Braden of We Are Making Stars, has created a unique way to bring entertainers of all genres together under one company and link them up with major players in that particular field that can take these entertainers to the next level. Marie sent us an email to give an update on the new list of artists for her Royalties Paid Monthly opportunity. This is what she sent us in regards to the latest artists getting paid through her program: I have new success stories for Royalties Paid Monthly. The American Strays: This group submitted "Many Years" and it was selected for this listing. They have a very nice sound and it will be available under Easy Listening. Ali Smith: Ali has a very nice voice and his song "Fly Away" was selected for this opportunity. The genre for his music is pop and R&B. Ayana John: Ayana's song "Baby" was selected for listing. She has a beautiful voice and it will fit perfectly in any social setting. Dave Webber: Dave's song "The Burden of Proof" was selected for this opportunity. His song has the perfect sound for relaxation. It will be available under meditation and spa music. Faith Gatewood: Faith has a voice that reminds me of a particular pop star. Her song "Ain't Praying for You" was selected for our listing and will be available in the R&B/Pop genre. Frank Schonberg: Frank has a beautiful voice and his song "Like This" definitely demonstrates this fact. His songs will be available in the country genre for this listing. John Pelt: John's instrumental will be available in the dance section of our catalog. His song "Pop Instrumental" is very energetic and well put together. Jon Purdey: Jon's song "Breathe" is great for a party/club surrounding. I think he has talent and his music will be available in the dance genre. Kim Bennett: I love the country instrumental sound to Kim's songs. His song will be a great match for a country atmosphere as background music. Marcello Del Monaco: Marcello is a classical composer that has a huge selection of music that is fitting for anyone's ear. His songs will be available as spa and meditation music. One Less Reason: Their song "If You Want Me" is a very nice song that will be available in our Rock genre. The male singer is very talented and the band is awesome. Rahn: Rahn's song "If Only" is a beautiful piano solo that defiantly puts you in the mood for unwinding. This song is perfect for the spa and yoga. Rebbeca Pineda aka Remaria: Remaria has a very commercial voice and having the ability to sing her music in Spanish and English is a definite plus. Her song "Addicted" was selected for this listing. Rene Saucier: Rene's song "Driving into Some Blues" has a very nice sound. His music is very versatile and will sound great in a Blues or Country setting. Rick McKown: Rick's song "Behind the Curtain" has a Latin feel that makes you want to dance, yet it is not too overwhelming. A couple of his songs will be available in the Meditation category as well as dance. Stephen Bashaw: He is an amazing composer. His music demonstrates passion and art. I am glad to have him involved with this opportunity. Steven Brown: Steven's song "Nocturnal" shows off his musical talents and will be great in several categories for possible placements for this opportunity. Steve Morgan: Steve's song "Shadow Dancing" is a great song. It demonstrates his strong voice and is perfect for country music as well as other genres. Kacy Davis: Kacy brings a lot of energy to his song "Make Me Sweep Me Off My Feet". I can not even begin to talk about his voice. Pazelee: The song "Just Keep It Real" has been added to our catalog under the R&B category. This song has a soulful sound that many companies that uses background music look for. I think the song will be very successful. Darrell Chaisson: Has brought many great songs to us for this listing. All of the songs are unique and well recorded, as the others, I look forward to working with him. Check out the previous list of artist that Marie selected for her Royalties Paid Monthly opportunity here. Check out Marie Braden's opportunities here. Alan's Heartfelt Song Gets Picked Up By Charlie Mac Alan James Lorden is the creative director of Rusted Gate Music, a music development, arranging and production business based in Raleigh, North Carolina. During his elementary days, he started playing classical piano and trumpet and then transitioned to jazz and pop music playing piano and Hammond B-3 while in high school. He attended Hartt School of Music after high school and worked as a recording engineer/studio musician in addition to playing in many popular local bands throughout New York and New England. Then he drove cross-country to Los Angeles where he worked in many areas of a music profession as a studio musician, arranger, sound engineer, performer and music instructor. He also wrote for students, indies and a couple of feature films, which gave him some great experience with orchestration. Now in North Carolina, Alan has been working as a producer/arranger for local songwriters. He informed us of the success he got using our platform. This is what he sent to us: "The song is We Were Right. It was picked up by Charlie Mac. Some of the music industry professional's comments were 'This is a very heartfelt song, with so much character and meaning! We believe this song could do well in radio as well as both the film and television markets.'" Check out Alan James' xrays here and Charlie Mac's latest opportunities here. Two Artists Selected for the Record Label Door A&R Tip Sheet Sylvia Harris is a music industry liaison with a successful track record of connecting independent artists to record label executives. She is the President of Record Label Door, an artist development and independent A&R firm that connects some of the world's hottest independent talent with record label executives through a variety of platforms including the Record Label Door A&R Tip Sheet and the Record Label Door Artist Development Record Label Shopping Program. The Record Label Door A&R Tip Sheet is an electronic publication that presents the best unsigned independent talent in all genres to the attention of 1,750 A&R representatives at record labels and to 233 music supervisors in the television and film industry. Sylvia Harris selected two artists from Music Xray namely So Fresh So Fly for the October edition of the Record Label Door A&R Tip Sheet and Laura Monaco for the November edition. So Fresh So Fly is a Pop/Hip-Hop group out of South Florida that fuses electrifying beats and fresh original lyrics with the sound of R&B and dance-music, creating their own unique sound and style. “The saddest thing in life is wasted talent”, a motto that Bronx raised singer-songwriter Laura Monaco lives by. At an early age, Laura immediately realized the boundless journey that lay before her and since then has tirelessly pursued her dreams. Laura's songs are energetic electro pop/rock. Check out Sylvia Harris' profile here for her latest opportunities. Reginald Todd Says Thank You to Scobie Ryder Reginald Todd is an artist with a diverse history of influences and musical experiences. All of which manifest themselves in his unique musical style. Like a circus performer balancing many plates, Reginald Todd is capable of maneuvering between numerous musical genres: Pop, R&B, Dance, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Rock, Country and even musical theater. Numerous years of involvement in marching bands, concert bands and piano lessons have given Reginald Todd a deeper understanding of music and how to create it effectively. All of his experiences and influences culminate in a music style that's not just unique but also commercially marketable with mass appeal. Reginald received an honest and very helpful review from Scobie Ryder that changed his musical path for the better. Here is what Reginald has to say: "I just had to take a minute to say a heartfelt "thank you" to Scobie Ryder for not only restoring my faith in music industry professionals, but also changing my musical path for the better. As aspiring artists, we all have had those moments where we feel we aren't on the right path and/or we feel like we have no clue how to fix what's lacking in our music. I, certainly, am no different. In the endless maze of unanswered questions, I stumbled upon Scobie Ryder. He is the first industry insider in quite some time to take the time to explain what he felt needed improvement in my music and in doing so, he has enabled me to compete on a level playing field. I have no problem with rejection or criticism. It's all part of the game. Rejection with little or no explanation is far more difficult to absorb and offers no opportunity to learn and grow. So thanks again to Scobie Ryder for being a beacon of hope in an ever-changing sea of confusion. And thanks to Music Xray for bringing Mr. Ryder, and others like him, to those of us who need him. I am richer for the experience!" Check out Scobie Ryder's opportunities here and listen to Reginald Todd's songs here. Good Contacts and Amazing Reviews The Branded is the latest effort from long-time local scene collaborators Brian Bender, Masta Shen, Jay Mishur and Mike Haracz. The four have merged their distinct sounds to create a unique, dirty rock tone. Mike Haracz, guitarist of The Branded, shared with us their experience in using Music Xray. This is what they shared with us: "My band, The Branded, has already had great success since joining Music Xray. The setup for focus groups was so easy and gave us great real information about our music. We have already made some good contacts and received some amazing reviews... even from the free opportunity section, and have a lot more great opportunities in the works. Nothing can beat contacting industry people directly and with guaranteed listens. It's also wonderful that they have a money-back guarantee, but we have yet to need that. I plan on continuing to use and endorse Music Xray." Their song "First Move" was one of the highest trending songs at industry A&R, with consistently high ratings across all measured criteria. Check out The Branded's songs here. Charles Clark Success with Charlie Mac Charlie Mac of MAC A MILLION DOLLAR MAN MUSICK has been working hard to get results for Charles Clark who was referred to Charlie Mac by Marie Braden who is another Music Xray professional. Take a listen to the music produced by Charles and you will know why Charlie has been doing the following for him: Charles has 4 tracks that are being strongly considered by a director that we are working very closely with on an independent film Soundtrack out of New York. Charles Clark had 3 tracks added to our playlist which is constantly reviewed by record labels, publishers, A&R's, Music Supervisors, film and TV producers, as well as many other music industry professionals. 2 tracks from Charles are being pitched for placement on the soundtrack of another feature film about adolescent love. 1 track from Charles was sent to one of our TV producer contacts to be featured in a network TV series. Charles Clark had 13 tracks distributed to our #3 partner for external licensing. (Cox, Comcast, McDonald's, Applebees, Adidas, Gucci, Burberry, MGM, Hard Rock) Charles Clark had 13 tracks distributed to our #4 partner for external licensing. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) We sent Charles' song "Bring back the Stars" to test in a new feature film. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) Charles Clark had 13 tracks distributed to our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) Charles Clark had 13 tracks distributed to our #6 partner for external licensing. (MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, Several US and overseas radio stations) Charles Clark had 9 tracks distributed to our #4 partner for external ringtone distribution. (Walt Disney, Universal, Google, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Discovery, Pixar, Reebok) 13 of Charles' tracks received an unprecedented compliment from our #5 partner for external licensing. (Major Corporations, Video Games, TV and film production companies) 2 tracks from Charles are being shopped to the president of a popular indie label, for label consideration Charles Clark had 11 tracks distributed to by our #12 distribution partner for external licensing (distribution, downloads, ringtones, streaming, retail, China, Korea, Japan) Check out the latest opportunities from Charlie Mac and you can hear the complete epk from Charles Clark here. Getting Signed for Foreign Publication, Gaining Exposure and Getting Airplay Doug Cash is a singer, songwriter, musician and producer. In the 80's, he spent 10 years in southern California playing gigs and raising a family and then he moved to northern California in the 90's to continue his career. He joined fusion band Mind Club and won the local Sammies award. He went solo then formed another group "Pharoahs". He signed with a local indie label and then internationally he signed distribution through Tower/ MTS. Eventually he started his own label and now owns the publishing rights to over 4 dozen releases in multiple genres. He has been using Music Xray to pitch his songs and has signed a foreign non exclusive deal through EDA Music Publishing in Scotland. He is also scheduled to give an interview with Independent Music & Media, a digital publication. Orlando Sky Radio is an Online radio station that's in the process of adding him to their playlist to get his tunes out to many more fans. Glad to hear about the connections you are making here on Music Xray Doug and keep up the hard work! Check out the latest opportunities from EDA Music Publishing, Independent Music & Media and Orlando Sky Radio. Showtime's "Shameless" Picks up Songwriter and Producer Combination With More to Come Rob “PUSH” Coleman has been working with Music Xray to find artists for labels, song placements and also for TV and Film licensing. He has had success in the past with our artists including a placement in A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas. Now he is back again and had this to tell us: “Phil Ogden and Bryan Steele are a producer/writer team I found on Music Xray...great music and awesome people to work with too. In any event I pitched one of their songs to a major publisher who places tons of songs in film/tv and in the end it was picked up for Showtime’s "Shameless", starring William H. Macy. In addition to this great placement, the publisher is looking to building a long lasting relationship with Bryan and Phil so expect more to come." What a great connection and congratulations to Bryan and Phil. We are looking forward to hearing more success from these guys and Rob. To see the latest opportunities from Rob please visit his profile here and to check out the great music made by Phil and Bryan see their epk and portfolio here. Eddie "Sea" Finds Multiple Artists for Song Placements and Licensing Eddie "Sea" Caldwell is a Songwriter/Producer/Arranger who also represents his record label and publishing catalog Music of The Sea with the songs featured in the United States, Japan, U.K. Europe, Spain and Malaysia. Eddie's music expertise ranges from hip-hop to alternative rock and everything in between. Eddie sent us an email with names of great artists that he found through Music Xray for strong consideration. "You guys are great! I've found some great artist on Music Xray. I've also placed them in film and TV. One of them is dVolume. I placed several of his songs in a film called "Culture Shock" directed by Steve Balderson. And he also composed music for me. Another artist is Jon Purdey. I've placed his music in a documentary by Ondi Timoner called "3 Startup" and he's composing music for me as well and I send him direct leads frequently. He's also gotten Trey Mcgriff to sign with me, because I'm proactive. Two more Music Xray artists are Rob Owen's "Common Ground" and Carolyn Baron's "Optimistic". I have their music under strong consideration for MTV's "I Used To Be Fat" series. We are waiting on the director's decision. Also Music Xray artist The Effex Band are under strong consideration for the trailer in a movie called "Waiting For The Spotlight" due out in 2012. Another artist is Jersey Boy. I got an email about his song "Flyer Than Spaceship" under director's consideration for a movie called "Halloween Party" directed by Linda Palmer. I'm sure I'll have tons of news to share with you in next few months about Music Xray artists!" Check out Eddie's latest opportunities here. Borboleta's Magical Experience Working with Stuart Stuart Epps has over 40 years of experience in the music industry. Earlier than many, his career began at the age of 15 and he quickly moved up in the ranks to become Chief Engineer at DJM Studios. Epps has recorded and toured the world with Elton John, and learned from one of the greats, Gus Dudgeon, with whom he built the famous Mill Studios on the banks of the Thames. It's at Mill Studios where he was soon asked to become Chief Engineer, Studio Manager and Producer. Throughout his career Epps has worked with some of the great talents in music. Stuart, always busy, most recently worked with an EP for an Australian Band and mixed a great rock ballad for a South African band. Borboleta, one of the Music Xray artists, shared her magical experience working with Stuart: "A magical Experience! I came across Stuart Epps as if by magic in Music Xray. I had just come back from doing an acoustic set in a pub nearby. I always love when people connect to my songs but I felt I wanted to give my songs the chance of a professional production. As if by magic looking through Music Xray I came across Stuart and everything about him felt right to me. I sent him a couple of tracks and received a quick response and we started communicating. This resulted in a meeting where I played the songs on an acoustic guitar. I felt really supported and encouraged by him. He truly loves music and understands the creative musical soul. I spent 3 days at Stuart's home studio in Cookham recording the songs. Every step happened as if my magic and the results speak for themselves. I am grateful for this magical experience, for the energy Paul who works with Stuart put into my songs and for the hospitality I received from his partner Juliet. I am now inspired to promote my songs and I believe more than ever that they can touch people's hearts." Check out Stuart Epps' latest opportunities here. More Artists Featured on Skope Magazine Skope Magazine selected more artists to be featured in their magazine. If you haven't read Skope Magazine( better check it out. Artists that they featured are: Hudson Owen - The Hacking Without Jason Gibson - Mike Soul - The Beautiful Game - Mark Lenover - Tony Brikk - Dragonfly Lingo - FYB - Daley Phillips - Matthew Meadows - Aquatic Cowboy - The Third International - Prinzeono1 - Joe Blessett - Ian Clarke - A Fallen Mind - Kat Boelskov - Deadman - Ernie Lewis - Prime Ministers - Chris Gilham - Lynn & Thayne Taylor - V8 & Shortrock - Bill Wren - Willis Da Illis - Aoede - Leah Thompson - Indikator - Best Not Broken - Never a Hero - Malia Carine - NeCo - Paul Christopher - Rhythm Of Mars - Robert W. Alpert - Hiding in Public - SO IAM - Genghis Khan - Ivan Mihaljevic - On Switch - Scott Mahoney - Blaza Duval - Gabriele Saro - Eightfourseven - Chamber of Echoes - Riversyde - Norwood - Shel Rasten - The June Junes - The Wimshurst's Machine - SheLoom - Pat Walsh My Heart - Write me a cheque Check out Skope Mag's latest opportunities here. Artist Backed Budget of Over $100,000 Sean Guerrier De Bey, the president of World Live Music & Distribution, updated us about the selection of new acts for 2012. "We have great news! We have taken on a new artist that we found on Music Xray named Dominic Gomez. We are looking to put over $100,000 budget into his campaign along with the rest of our roster getting them prepared for the Grammy awards. We are going to make a lot of noise next year." Dominic is a 21 year old singer-songwriter, recording artist and performer. Music has always been a number one throughout his life, so far. As a child, he was exposed to many diverse styles of music. Dominic wrote and composed his first song when he was only 10 years old. As each day passes, music becomes more of his passion with the life goal and dream to share his music with listeners from around the world. Check out World Live Music & Distribution's profile here and listen to Dominic's songs here. Artists on the Compilation CD 10th Anniversary Foundation is an international organization based in Nyon and Barcelona, nonprofit and promoting development through information and communication technologies (ICTs). is also a development NGO working in the technology field, which was founded in Switzerland in 2001 under the initiative of a group of experts in new technologies. In their 10th anniversary on Oct 8, 2011 in Barcelona, They're going to release a compilation CD to present during the celebration. Musicians will not be compensated for inclusion on this CD but the music will be released to a number of charity organizations throughout the world that supports. It's like an act of charity and artist still retain all rights to their music. created a free opportunity for Music Xray artists. They receive 648 submissions and 10 artists with their good songs were selected for compilation CD. The 10 songs are: I Guess It Was Destiny by Gone By Friday - As I Am by Kotadama - We Are One by Skytone - The next market day by Ceilí Moss - Butterflies by Sam&Nate - Midnight Eyes by Rose of Jericho - Million Butterflies by Yami Lee - Brave New World by Ariel S. Lee - Let's make a better world by New Nobility - Don't Stop To Breathe by Parabelle. Check out's latest opportunities here. Musical Grandma Finds Success After All These Years Lynne Ferguson has been immersed in music at a very young age, starting out studying classical piano at the age of five. She enjoyed playing so much that her parents had to encourage her make time for other activities. After eight years of piano, she moved on to guitar. Lynne's mother showed her how to chord and strum, and from then on, the guitar has been her main instrument. She made her living and raised a large family playing music as her only job. Now she is a grandma of 6 and enjoys writing as her way to stay tuned into the industry and to keep her career going. She submitted her song "Tears to Gold" to Atrium Music Group and was selected. And it does not end there, Atrium Music Group chose to license all of Lynne's original songs. The songs are: Little Red Dun - Old Blue Grass Waltz - Tears to Gold - Traditional Dance - You Shouldn't Do That - Crazy Dog Song - Daddy and the Devil - Don't Cry Now - Track 09 - Restless - I Will Follow You Into the Dark. This is great news and we are happy to hear Lynne continuing her career and finding success on Music Xray. Keep the songs coming Lynne and good luck with your future submissions! Check out Atrium Music Group's latest opportunities here. Multiple Artists Get Royalties Paid Monthly Marie Braden the CEO of We Are Making Stars has just landed a major contract with a very large company that licenses background music for small and large store chains, restaurants, spas, etc. And she again shared with us another success story regarding her open opportunity Royalties Paid Monthly. This is the email she sent to us: Jim Gaven is an Alt Rock/ALT & Punk/ Rock/Pop artist. His song "Something To Hope For" has caught my attention and will be excellent for this listing. He has added 3 more songs of his for potential placement with this opportunity. Gabriele Saro is a Pop/Classical/Electronica/Dance musician. The song "Is It Love" was added to my catalog for placement and I can't wait to see what else this artist has to offer. Christopher Medway is an electronica/Dance/Soundtrack/DJ artist. His song "Shooting Stars" was added to my catalog for this opportunity and eager to hear more from this artist Phil Ipsan added three songs to my music catalog. The song that I originally chose was "Until You Become Mine". I think it will do very well with this opportunity. I am hoping this artist has even more great music. V-Sard/Lilya Barak is a Pop/Electronica/Dance/Other artist. The song "Set Me Free" was chosen for this listing and I am sure this artist has more great songs to come. Cutting Edge's song "Every Time I Try" is a Rock/Pop/R&B song and it was chosen for this listing. It is a very nice song and I look forward to getting more material from this band. Michelle Ruben's song "Until Tomorrow" has been chosen for this opportunity. She has since added 3 more songs to my catalog and I think all of them will be successful within my catalog. Jeffrey Lee Brothers is a country singer with a very nice voice. I am anxious to see how well his song "A Good Time Has Crossed My Mind" is going to do with this opportunity. Figleaf is an artist with a genre of Pop/Easy Listening/Other. The song "Listen To The Rain" was chosen for this listing and I will also consider the rest of his songs in his catalog. Check out the latest opportunities of We Are Making Stars here. Three Songs Placed in New Spike Lee Film Three out of eleven songs selected by Charlie Mac were signed for the the new Spike Lee film called, "You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Kills You"! It's an action packed, gritty story of two New York City homicide detectives that are forced into the high-stakes world of the hip hop industry. A complex web of murder, sex, money and music unfolds as the homicide detectives track a serial killer with an appetite for some of hip hop's biggest stars. We were happy to see that Charlie was able to find great songs to make it through the final selection process and were really excited when he let us know that three of our artists made it on the film. Charlie really has an ear for music and has the right connections. That, combined with great songs from our artists makes for a winning combination! Here are the songs that Charlie Mac selected and went through the screening process: iGrind by DraMatiQue - Where You At? (Produced by Zach Bromberg) by Andrea Hudson - Get It In by Eddie Kaye feat. Jersey Boy - Give it to Her by A'Drian S. - Anxiety by Gene Clash - Fancy Ride by Gene Clash - We Back(new version) by Aphillyated1 - We Winnin by Ben Fagan & the Holy City Hooligans (w/Righchus) And the three songs that were signed to be featured on the Spike Lee film soundtrack are: Ain't Nothin Changed by Jamie Sparks Get Down by Dolo The Bandit Chevy '64 by Ice-T and Black Silver as BLACK ICE Congratulations artists and we look forward to hearing your music in what we are sure will be another great film by one of the top producers of our time. Check out the latest opportunities by Charlie Mac here. Tracy Lawrence Records and FOX Sports Features a Song Discovered on Music Xray! With over 3500 songs and acts selected for opportunities in the past 6 months, there are a lot of big ones to talk about including major label signings, major motion picture placements and even a few we've been told we can't mention. But today we want to send a special congratulations to Justin Honaman. Atlanta-based Honaman submitted his song "Saturday In The South" to Alex Torrez of Torrez Music Group in Nashville. Alex invited him to Music City to work on some rewrites and last year the song was used by CBS Sports as a lead in to SEC football games. This year, the song has been re-recorded by mega-star Tracy Lawrence and picked up by FOX Sports. Here's an excerpt from the official press release: "Thirteen million football fans will soon hear a new theme from multi-platinum recording artist Tracy Lawrence as FOX Sports South and SportSouth launch their biggest college football kickoff campaign in the networks' history, showcasing the song "Saturday In The South." Lawrence's "Saturday In The South" debuts Thursday, September 1, and will be the music centerpiece for the FOX Sports and SportSouth college football campaigns. The networks will broadcast over 70 games from the SEC, ACC, Conference USA, Big 12 and Pac-12 and the weekly college football shows SEC Gridiron LIVE and The NEW College Football Show during the season." See the FOX Sports promo video here. Once again great job Justin and Alex! To see the latest opportunities from Alex and TMG visit his profile here. Radio Airplay to Independent Artists Damon Cleveland founded The Indie with the explicit purpose of giving independent artists a simple yet effective outlet to market and promote music. It is with this same inspiration that The Indie Radio was launched, and since partnering with Music Xray (July 2011) The Indie aired songs from several artists connected from the service. Here are some artists that have received airplay on The Indie: Follower - Ms. Monét - DraMatiQue - Remária - THE Dubber - Krisandkels - BLack Exodus - Gandalf's Fist - Only1ShawnLee - Van Dollar - Young-D inna de building - Lucky2244 - Erim Cicek feat. Dayne - The Howlband - Will Whamond - Luxury Stranger - Pink Lemonade - Nadine Stern - Lisa Sanders - Alluvion If you have a song you are interested in promoting on radio stations, check out Damon's dropbox here. Solardaze Signs Third Contract Solardaze is a songwriter, composer and producer from the Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada. He works on multiple genres such as Alternative Rock, Country, Electronica, to soundtrack style compositions. Recently, he signed his third deal from the opportunities posted on Music Xray and was kind enough to send us a message telling us about it. "Just wanted to let you know that through one of your opportunities I was able to sign my song "Come and Take Me Away" with Expressive Artists. It's great to have these opportunities to have your music heard by reputable companies with great track records. This is now my 3rd deal signed from Music Xray opportunities since I’ve joined just over 1 yr and a half ago. It is reassuring knowing that the songs are being heard by the people/company who need the music." Always glad to hear from our artists and the success that they are finding through connections made on Music Xray. You can listen to Solardaze's music here and check out Expressive Artists' profile here. Worldwide Coverage and Talent KCS Entertainment is a worldwide music publishing and a one stop music production team that assists more than 50 writers for song placements around the globe including the US, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. We were happy to receive word regarding their latest projects and such. Here's a little something they sent us regarding their current endeavors: "We just signed Alex Bahn for UMG Asia Projects. Daniel Williams of Team Go is now working on our Canadian Artist project which he is also co-writing with our producer who produced T-pain." Looks like they've got another project coming up soon. Make sure to check out their latest opportunities here. Music Xray Banana Peel Artists and Special Interview Jeffrey Rubin of Banana Peel Radio sent us a message recounting some of the artists he found and added to his station's play list. He also told us about a new artist he was about to add to that list and a special interview. Here 's what he said in his message to us: "I have added to the play list some real great artists of Music X-ray like Monks of Mellonwah, Ryan Chrys, Sekrett Scilensce, Ben Fagan & Holy City Hooligans, Didorion, Deep River Running and coming soon Saiah. Plus I also had the chance to interview the new front man of the classic rock band now revised The Yard Birds' Andy Michel." Another quality line up right there from Jeffrey. Make sure to check out Banana Peel Radio's opportunities here. More on Andy's interview can be found on on the home page just scroll down to "Banana Peel Radio interview with front man of The Yard Birds" click on it and it will play on the fly. Even More Artists Signed to LA Music Licensing Firm One of our more active music professionals is a LA Music Licensing Firm who is a full service music licensing company that offers quality music for their clients in Film, Television, Advertising, Trailers, Video Games, and more. They have been in business since 2008, and have quickly established themselves among the music supervisor community as a go-to music licensing house. They pride themselves in their ability to listen and understand the music requests they receive, and provide suggestions within a short turnaround. We have seen this first hand in the artists that have submitted to them. We are happy to hear about the new artists that they signed. They are Golden Boi, Craig McKenzie, Aoede and Marissa Diblasio. This is great since they will be pitching these artists to various licensing deals. They are able to provide wider exposure for independent artists and offer high quality music in all genres for all projects. They have worked with Fox, MTV, HBO, Universal, Warner Brothers, Paramount and many others. With song placements in movies and series such as Friends with Benefits, Dinner for Schmucks, True Blood and Grey's Anatomy to name a few, they are looking forward to placing our artists as well. Check out their profile and latest opportunities here. 100% Free Critiques and Advice to the Masses Leslie J. Bialik, Real Rocker Girl, promotes European hard rock bands in the US to film makers, television music video shows, radio stations and record companies. She also writes reviews and prepare press kits but that's just a part of what she does. Leslie also does 100% completely free reviews on Music Xray and if she likes your music she might even take on a little promotion for you. Just read what these artists had to say after her review of their work: You Rock! "Hi Leslie, Thank you for your review of my song 'Mrs. Vain' which was awesome! To date the song has been played on 32 U.S college radio stations, top alternative stations in Australia and New Zealand and also has been featured on a U.S TV show called 'True Justice' starring Steven Seagal. Thanks again! Ross." Review of Beautiful Machine "Hi Leslie, thanks very much for your great review. We are always looking to find new avenues of promotion or opportunities so any recommendations you could give us for contacts in this industry that may be interested in working with us would be extremely helpful. Thanks again for your time and insight! Matt - Rose of Jericho" Real Rock Lady Here "Thank you Leslie, your review was heart felt and with a fast reply. It's so great to hear from a real rock pro in the days of over rated pop music and rock has taken a back seat. So honored to have a review done by you on a 6 minute song :)looking forward to following you in the coming years please keep up the great work and have a great 2011." Thank you Leslie! "Here is the critique/review of my song "DarkSide of Heaven" from Leslie: Everything about this song is big and almost melodramatic. The huge production values, the wide dynamic variety in this straight-ahead rock song, the superior musicianship across the board, the dramatic lyrics and the convincing delivery of the vocalist all combine to make this tune very appropriate for soundtracks, theme songs or other commercial applications. The song doesn't break new ground musically but that's why I think it has a broad appeal. It's easy to understand from a composition point-of-view and the vocalist also has excellent diction which makes the words easy to understand. This song really is radio-ready or ready for any other project that needs this genre of music. Keep up the great work! Thank you for the wonderful critique/review for DarkSide of Heaven Leslie. " - Ted Lazaris Here are a few of the many songs she has in her favorites: DROPOUT by BLACK SUIT YOUTH, Buried Alive by Mansfield Park - Revive by Exoterik - Psycho Intentions by Reign of Fury - Alive by One Glimpse Away - I Don't Mind (The Resentment) by Chamber of Echoes - Suicide Plan by Black Tequila - I'll Take The Money by Jackpike - Fuck That by Eclectek - Attitude by SandmarX - The Burn by Horseman Shakes And The Draymen. Those were just a few of the many artists she has helped and/or given her insightful advise to. Helping out the music community one artist at a time, she helps and encourages artists to do better. You can check out her review opportunity here. She may or may not have her submission dropbox open at the moment but just remember to keep an eye out for it. Women of Substance Radio Keeps Pulling In New Talent. Bree Noble, Founder and CEO of Women of Substance Radio has created a radio station whose mission is to pave the way for hard-working, accomplished female artists to be heard. She was kind enough to share to us how she felt regarding one their most recent events. "The showcase went fabulously. We had a good crowd and everyone loved the 5 performers. I am on the edge of my seat about the news..." They put out new events and shows regularly so don't miss out on their opportunities. The following are just a few of the artists they have worked with here on Music Xray. Jaymie Gerard - Kylie Stephens - Roots Collective - Sheila K Cameron - Vikki J Myers - Kevin Nevel (2) - Tracy Woody - Jackie Dee - Jes Loren - Susan Busatti Giangano - Sharla Shore - Teresa Angela McCann - Rosabella Gregory - Melissa Ramsey - Bochan - Rose of Jericho - Ms Maura - Staci's Edge - Tara Tanner - Sadie Jemmett - Chanson Records This list of talented women is just an example. They have and are still discovering new talent so make sure to check out Bree Noble and Women of Substance Radio here. A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas Rob "PUSH" Coleman, a promoter, project manager, A&R representative for many labels and consultant was happy enough to share to us his latest success and his song placement in the new Harold and Kumar movie set to be released this coming Christmas season. "Natural Habitz is a band on Music Xray. They have some great music, I have done a few things with them being that they are persistent and talented. The latest success was me securing a publishing deal with FineGold Publishing. After a song I sent to FineGold recorded by Natural Habitz was picked up for a new movie "A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas" which will have international exposure. FineGold reached out to me and I negotiated a publishing deal for them where FineGold will represent a catalog of about 10 songs. The pay for this was great and the group will collect worldwide royalties." Check out Rob "PUSH" Coleman latest opportunity here. You can also listen to Natural Habitz music here. Spread Positivity to the Masses! Ben Fagan & the Holy City Hooligans: driven by their vision which is "Spread positivity to the masses!", they continuously find success and they were kind enough to share one of their latest stories. The band submitted their song "We Will Remain" to Jay Adkins and was selected to be played on his radio show. Here's what they had to say about that: "Big thanks to Jay Adkins for featuring not just the original song we submitted but several others from our new CD. His enthusiastic support and coverage of the artists he selects for his New Unsigned Artists radio show is a great service!" It's no surprise once you hear their music. They blend hip-hop beats with the chill vibes and positive message of reggae and funk to create a dance-able, feel-good experience. You can check them out and their catchy tunes here. If you would like to see the latest opportunities from Jay you can go to his profile here. "Thank you Stuart and Music Xray" Stuart Epps is a veteran producer with noteworthy clients that included Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Chris Rea, George Harrison, Mick Fleetwood, Barry White, George Michael, Mark Owen, Cliff Richard, Twisted Sister, Brian Adams, Oasis, Kiki Dee, Robbie Williams, Bill Wyman and Elton John. Stuart sent us a message regarding his new talent finds and what they had to say about how Stuart's work has helped them. The Havelocks - Austrailia "Hi Stuart, Nailed it mate! The mix you just sent is brilliant - we couldn't be happier! Thanks so much for sticking with the track and indulging us. Would you be happy to mix the rest of the EP? We'd love to have you on board and are really excited about what this collection of songs will do for us. THANKS ALSO MUSIC XRAY FOR THE GREAT INTRODUCTION" Marcello Giordano of The Spins – Italian Rock Band "Thank you Stuart and Music Xray" "The drummer of my band played for Jeff Beck in his latest recording Emotion & Commotion, so I obviously wanted a top-quality producer for our new single release. I came across Stuart's profile on Music Xray and being struck by his curriculum I decided to submit our work to his attention. From the very beginning of our collaboration he's been absolutely kind and prompt in evaluating our work and replying to all my messages. Then, when we finally worked together in studio, we found out that he's not only a great person but also a very good musician (other than being guitarist and keyboardist, he sang some fantastic lines of backing vocals on our song) and obviously, a very good ear with tons of technical experience. In a word, a great producer I'd recommend to any pop/rock artist who wants to develop seriously his own sound." Scott Mahoney, Singer/Songwriter – Boston, MA "The remix and addition of background vocals to my song "far away" really brought it to life. I now have a version I can play for people and be proud of. Thank you Stuart and Music Xray" Vince "RJ" Richards Manager Tasting Grace "Hi stu!!! This outcome is amazing! I'm left speechless! I'm absolutely blown away! Thank you so much! I had a chance to listen to this about 25-30 times and let me say that the overall quality of this mix is really quite impressive! I love so much about it! ...WOW! By the way, her vocals and those effects.....simply put.....amazing! Thank you Stu for such an amazing effort already! This is very exciting for us! By the way, Jenna absolutely loves the vocal effects and especially at the end where it almost sounds "ghost-like". Really awesome! and thank you MUSIC X RAY" Check out Stuart's latest opportunities and how he can help you by going here. "Friends With Benefits" Eric Paul is an artist who has been creating music since high school. Although his musical training and experience is deeply rooted in the classical genre, he has always felt a strong pull toward pop rock music in general. Now, he is determined to place these songs in the public eye and garner the attention of anyone who will listen. Eric submitted to an LA Music Licensing Firm, was signed to the licensing firm, and as a result had a song pitched and placed in the SONY feature film "Friends With Benefits" starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. The director of the film fell in love with his song, titled "Paradise Dreaming", and the song was used FOUR TIMES in the film! Way to go, Eric!! You can check out Eric's music here. Good things come in 3's Like the way Matthew Meadows used Facebook, as a way to promote his music when he was just starting on Music Xray, he made used of it again these past few days. This time though, as a way of letting his Music Xray family know of his recent success stories made through the site. In a span of a week, Matthew had 3 success stories posted on the Music Xray Facebook page and we couldn't be more than happy for him. Here are his actual posts: For his song The Mistress submitted to Klavar Recordings: "Good things come in 3's? I've racked up 3 TV/film license opportunities through Music Xray and now I've just been selected for my 3rd compilation album. Following Nick Katona's Unearthed album and As Heard from the folks at the Reputation RadioShow comes this little gem out of the UK. Cheers folks, it's 8:30 Monday morning and I'm ready for a good week for a change." The Turk, submitted to Charlie Mac: "The Turk is coming, baby. Hot on the tail of getting selected for the distribution deal with Charlie Mac and KLM Distributions the other day I also submitted The Turk for this TV/film placement opp. BINGO, fourth one in six months. Still a few more hurdles to go but I can smell it from here. Thanks again to Music Xray for making it possible." And for his song Ringmaster, submitted to S. Pena Young's Libertaria: The Virtual Opera opportunity: Music Xray Pro: Thank you for your audition tape. I really enjoy your vocal sound. Its harsh and haunting, and perfect for one of the leads in Libertaria. Libertaria: The Virtual Opera is a feature-length animated opera using electronic music, live vocals, and vocal synthesis to tell a futuristic tale of love and family in the year 2139 AD.... ME: AWESOME! \m/ (-.-) \m/ Matthew also had an interview with Skope Magazine last July 6, 2011 about his album "Etherati " where he speaks on everything from his album, the troops, playing guitar, and much more! Very cute on that last one Matthew, and we couldn't agree more. You're one awesome artist with really awesome music. And if awesome isn't the perfect word to describe you and your music, then we don't know what is. And no need to thank Music Xray as much because it is you, your talent, and your great music that made all these things possible. Check out Matthew's music here, and find out how his great music shines through. Better Than American Idol. Marie Braden has created a unique way to bring entertainers of all genres together under one company and link up with major players in that particular field that can take these entertainers to the next level. Marie keeps finding new talent on Music Xray and this is what she has to say: "I eat, sleep and breathe new music and looking for new artists of all genres for a range of new projects for licensing, publishing, my new tv show for indie artists(even better than American Idol in my opinion) and for so many other opportunities due to being in the industry for a long time. When I received my first song from Ayana John called "Baby" through a dropbox on Music Xray I really liked what I saw and heard so I looked at her full EPK. I was really impressed! I was also able to see her YouTube videos, licensing information, lyrics, linear notes and information about the artist. " "After reviewing her songs I decided this is an artist that I want to have on my team. We agreed upon the terms for a publishing deal and I look forward to working with her and the success to follow." "I have just signed School Fo' HardKnockz for a publishing deal as well and am working with Charlie Mac to consider one of their songs for the Spike Lee Movie." Check out the latest opportunities by Marie Braden here. Berry Berry Good! Howard Martin is a singer/songwriter penning stories of life that span from childhood adventures to the loss of a spouse "the joy and the pain". Howard was kind enough to send us an email as an update and this is what he had to say: "Music Xray has been berry berry good to me! Sure I thought a few bucks put in some guys pocket on the east coast would be OK just to "put a flag up the pole" and see what comes of it if anything." "I wrote the song "Sailing Away" because I wanted a sound track for a Youtube video I had made and couldn't use "licensed" material so I made my own. I submitted the same song to Jeffrey Rubin of Banana Peel Radio and he liked it enough to put it up on his site. I have had great feed back on things I have submitted, not all positive, but ALL valuable." "I refer people to my EPK on Music Xray if they want to "feel me" because it has lyrics and pictures that support what is fresh off the press musically for me. I also had another song "It don't matter anymore" picked up for rotation on Nashville Broadcasting Radio Network. They liked the song and contacted me for the mp3 and a rotation release! Yea, I'm stoked! The bottom line… the first line of this post. Thanks Music Xray, keep on the edge!" Check out Howard Martin's EPK. Off the Chart Radio Finds Great New Artists Chris Herlihy has Galaxy 24/7 and Off the Chart Radio, both based out of the UK. He decided to look for new artists on Music Xray for his new show and found good results. Chris dropped us a quick email to share some of the artists that he has played along with letting us know about how easy he finds it to use the platform. "I began using Music Xray earlier this year to find new music for my up-and-coming music show on Off the Chart Radio, one of the UK's largest and oldest internet radio stations. So far I have received multiple submissions, and all of them have been played on the show with great success and audience reviews. Thank you especially to Matthew Meadows, Secret Silence and Intended Creation for submitting music and making the show possible. When I receive music via email, it is hard to keep track of conversations and MP3's, but on Music Xray it is all in one, easy to access place. Thank you!" Glad to hear that we could be of help and thanks for working with our artists! Brad Connects and Signs 35 Cues! Connections, connections, connections! Most of us are raised with the thought in mind that connections can make or break your career. Even though the internet, social media(Twitter, Facebook, etc...) are all part of an artist's arsenal to get known and break their career, having good music and getting it in front of ears that understand what to do with it is still a key to success. Check out Brad Halverson's EPK on Music Xray and then check out Jim Hughes profile and opportunities listed here. This is the end result of their connection made on Music Xray, delivered straight from Brad: "A few weeks ago I submitted to an opportunity that James posted, and I've gotta say it turned out great! I've since signed 35 cues to the agency he was representing, and I get calls daily for more. Thanks a lot James, you've definitely helped take my career to new levels!" Great music and great opportunities = success! Thanks guys and we are looking forward to hearing more about how this connection works out! Getting Deals and Personal Attention John Bowden has traveled and performed in many venues around the world and is constantly expanding his horizons. He works in various styles, including Pop, Hip Hop, Jazz, Electronica, Latin, Greek and World Music, and has performed with such icons as George Benson, Grover Washington Jr, Ellis Hall, etc... John Bowden has secured music licensing deals with various companies and is and accomplished artist, so he decided to give Music Xray a shot. He found the site to be useful and was able to get a deal and has more on the burner. Our hands on CEO worked with John on a few things and this is what John had to say to him: "I have to say that your message this morning hit me in the sweet spot. I think it's amazing that you care as much as you do about the struggles all of us face as songwriters and musicians. Rock on Mike! It's great to have a guy like you as CEO of the company I'm using as my primary source for getting my songs listened to by professionals in the industry and quickly!!! I have actually gotten 2 or three good bites from using your service and actually signed a single song deal for one of my tunes using your company. Thanks again and again for this outstanding company you got here!" Check out John Bowden's EPK. Tracy Woody Utilizes the Opportunities on Music Xray One of our artists Tracy Woody was nice enough to leave the following post on our support site: I wanted to say THANK YOU to Music Xray. has an artist page of all my songs and I'm receiving airplay and Women of Substance Radio at has been playing my song Sweet Beat of Love Remix and is featuring me and my song for 3 months starting July 4th, 2011 and invited me to attend their LA Showcase. I'm ecstatic. Music Xray allows links to my EPKs and a professional appearance and the extra buzz has helped my songs of Love spread and gain more interest and gigs. Thanks so much for these radio stations and distributors who also want to support. Critique professionals, Record label A&R feedback, and TV and film feedbacks that I have been exposed to have been very helpful and straightforward. Hats off musicxray! You really know how to expose artists whether new and old to a strategy of success that can help them grow through critiques, distribution opportunities, radio exposure and the list goes on and on of the many wide variety of great opportunities you exposed Artist to that help them SOAR!!!! I can't THANK YOU enough and I'm glad I was referred to the one and only MUSICXRAY!!!! Matthew Meadows Gives us an Update and a Technology Thumbs Up! Matthew Meadows is an artist who makes the most of facebook to help promote his music. One day, one of our staff started chatting with him due to a few posts they saw from Matthew. He was more than kind enough to share the following in regards to his experience on Music Xray: During all the months that I spent composing, performing and producing my solo EP Etherati, I never gave much consideration to what I should do with the material after I was done. But within a week after I uploaded the final mixes to the web that became my singular focus. As the album gained traction it became clear that my position in the online charts was a useful tool but a limited measure of success. I started looking for ways to extend my reach and get my music in front of not just more people, but the right people. The people who would get most out of the experience. All music is not for everybody, and there are literally millions of artists competing for each listener's attention. So I used market research to identify my core demographics and the music they liked. I rotated ads on social networks and measured their engagement in my music. The results inspired confidence but in real terms not much changed. Having limited bandwidth and a limited window of opportunity during which I could leverage the chart momentum, I decided to enlist the services of multiple vendors to see if I could improve my position. I started campaigns with the largest, most well established A&R companies and worked my way down, submitting for every opportunity that looked remotely promising. I submitted for labels, film & TV licensing, FM radio, press coverage and contests. I braced for an avalanche of rejection, and that's exactly what I got, and I paid a considerable price for the privilege. I had some success in the form of college radio, online plays and blog coverage, but the cost was prohibitive relative to the exposure. At the end of the day I still had a sense that I might have more luck if I could get the music in front of the right people, but that the odds were long due to the sheer volume of applicants. I'm a programmer as well as a musician and I convinced myself that I simply needed to improve my signal-to-noise ratio, an optimization problem, and keep trying. At that point, I decided to allocate the remainder of my submission funds to Music Xray, the only vendor in my survey even attempting to develop a solution to that problem. That turned out be the right decision and a major inflection point in my career. Within days, I received an email indicating that my flagship song The Mistress had been matched by their software. It had been matched with other songs previously selected by the legendary producer Stuart Epps, and he had an opportunity posted up on the site that I may not have noticed and probably would not have responded to where it not for that email. I paid the submission fee just for the talking points. Imagine my surprise when I got another email a week later indicating he had selected my song for further development and provided some very encouraging feedback, including the words "very strong vocals, well done". I just about fell out of my chair. Within days we were chatting online, in all seriousness, about the viability and funding required for him to produce my next album. That conversation may have been inconsequential for him because he is an industry luminary and this is his business, but for me, it was quite remarkable. It was also an experience that I would repeat, to some extent, a few months later when I submitted for an opportunity to work with one of the most prolific and highly regarded producers in the world, Ron Nevison. My interaction with Ron started with The Mistress, and he responded right away so I followed up with Falling and The Turk to see if I could pique his interest. He responded with glowing feedback on the guitar work for all three submissions, which he characterized as "amazing", and constructive feedback on vocals and song structure, before he realized they were all from the same artist. A few weeks later I was on the phone with Ron discussing the funding and logistics of what it would take to record my next album. It was nothing short of surreal. My success with Music Xray was not limited to dialogs with producers and speculations about recordings, either. I scored interviews and radio plays and support from extremely focused online music sites like But there was more waiting for me. Largely, due to my experience in the theater, one of the things I have always endeavored to produce is music that has a strong sense of atmosphere. In my mind, I associate every musical element with images, thoughts and feelings, and it is my goal to evoke a similar experience for the listener from their own vantage. Television and film producers need evocative music to compliment their work, and I like to imagine my music fulfilling that need, but the music must precisely capture the atmosphere they are hoping to convey. The odds are exceptionally low and the potential payoff is considerable. It's another variation on the signal-to-noise optimization problem. It's also another area where the Music Xray system shines, and I've been one of the benefactors of the payoff. Shortly after my initial success with The Mistress, my song Falling was selected for a TV & Film licensing opportunity with Upper 11 / Universal through a Music Xray posting by Tony Meola. That song has a very specific ambience, with vocals that are somewhat understated on top of jazz-inflected acoustic guitar work frosted with Latin-style lead work. It captures a time and place in my life in a way that probably only makes sense to me, but in this particular case it happened to line up with what the producer has in mind. Somehow Music Xray, through a combination of technology and smart business, managed to tie it all together. It wasn't an isolated experience, either. Will Griggs, now the Director of Marketing and Music Placement at Atrium Music Group, was looking for 80's sounding metal ala Motorhead. He found what he was looking for in The Mistress (and it's a good thing, too, because he does not like to get upstaged by that other song). The instrumental songs on the album were also very well received and are currently residing in multiple song catalogs where they are waiting for the right person looking for the right scene to come along. Of course you can't really measure success on anybody else's terms but your own, and I'm not really sure how to define it for myself. But I am certain that I've got an abundance of it now, and that I'm not the only one. Not only do I enjoy the company of the great musicians on their wall, the Music Xray team has succeeded in developing game-changing technology and a brilliant business model to support it. They deserve to be recognized for what they've accomplished because it flat-out kicks ass. Nice job, guys. Seriously, great work. Sajida works with Kyra Larock to Connect with Jive Records while Ross Golan Gives Needed Feedback One of our artists Sajida was working with our support staff and during the exchange she was nice enough to update us on her progress: "With regard to the meetings I went through a posting from Kyra Larock, she is great and she set up meetings for me with Capitol records and Jive records A&Rs. I met with Capitol and they suggested I keep working on my music. When I met with Jive they really liked the songs I submitted and asked me to keep an open line of communication and submit songs to them for Anthony Hamilton and K. Michelle. And although it is no guarantee it is a huge step and a foot in the door and if they like what I submit or one of the artists like the songs they already have through this connection my career could really take off. I am very satisfied with the service. I also had great feedback from Ross Golan at Warner Chappell through your site. He actually gave me feedback on about 10 songs and that helped me to choose what to submit to the labels." That sounds like a great connection through Kyra and from what we have seen from Ross he really knows how to work with the artists. Keep the music coming Sajida and please do keep us updated. If you would like to schedule a meeting with A&R people at top labels check out Kyra's profile here. Ross also has various opportunities that you can find here. Ben Siems finds a Home and Success with Music Xray Ben Siems passed along a few suggestions regarding the site and in passing he was also nice enough to send the following: Let me say again that I truly, genuinely appreciate Music XRay and all that it has done for me. I remember when I first joined Music XRay and began to see how it works, I thought, "FINALLY, a site for independent artists that is actually about the MUSIC!!!" I felt like I had found my home. My music is now included in three major music synching libraries, soon to be four, and all of that can be traced back to Music XRay. Plus, I have learned a tremendous amount about which aspects of my music are most appealing to MIPs, and that has been a very valuable, and at times surprising, education. I understand now why my previous attempts to get the attention of those involved in publishing, licensing, etc., were unsuccessful. I don't know where else I could have learned that but MusicXRay." Wow Ben! We are really happy to see that we are helping and congratulations on your success. We look forward to hearing about many more more successful connections and also look forward to hearing more new music from you. Check out Ben's music in his multiple EPKs: Acoustic and Folk Music The Willie August Project Concert, Experimental and Modern Classical Music Commissioned Soundtrack Compositions Expat Records Finds Three New Artists Paul Shulver is director of A&R for Expat Records which is a very unique, innovative, independent music label that offers the biggest, broadest and most creative online music promotion and distribution in the industry. He is looking for talented musicians for Expat Records A&R. In his posting he states "The artist must be hard working, dedicated and who are looking to get their music to a much wider audience, grow their fan base and generate revenue from their music". Here are the artists that he has selected: Jamie Kent, Euphoria Audio and Deep River Running. Check out Paul's latest opportunities here. Multiple Artists are Being Placed in Upcoming Episodes for Bravo, Discovery And America's Top Model Jim Hughes is a music-supervisor and composer's agent searching for new talent with the right new music for television, film, and the gaming market. Jim has found multiple artists on Music Xray and most recently he has signed artists whose music will be placed in upcoming episodes for Bravo, Discovery and America's Top Model. Congratulations to Adonis Aletras, Brad J. Halverson, Mike Kroell(MSKP3) and Jon Purdey. We are looking forward to hearing your music on some of our favorite shows! Check out Jim's latest opportunities here. Inclination Selects Multiple Artists Lissy MacMillan is editor in chief of Inclination, an online magazine and weekly radio show. She helps expose indie artists through interviews, reviews and entertaining articles and artists that are featured in INCLINATION. She is working with Music Xray and our artists to help gain them more exposure. Here is a list of artists the she has selected on Music Xray: Kat Boelskov, Mailman, Kotadama, Phil Common, Cellophone, Phono Emergency Tool, Kat Boelskov, AJay Mac and Alex Tower. Check out the latest opportunities from Lissy and Inclination here. We Are Making Stars Signs Two New Artists Marie Braden the CEO of We Are Making Stars has just started out with Music Xray but already she is signing new artists. Two new artists that she has signed to publishing deals are Jus G and Rocboi. We are looking forward to her continuing to find new artists for the variety of opportunities that she has. Congratulations to the two artists that just signed and good luck to everyone submitting Mango Reel Signs Three More Artists Paul Curtis of Mango Reel has been using Music Xray to find new artists for some time now. Past artists that they have found and signed through Music Xray include Paul Bailey, Erin Hunt and Late for Breakfast. Paul gave us a quick update on three new artists that he signed through Music Xray. "Just thought I'd drop you a quick email and let you know that we've recently signed Hillary Chapman, Kevin Mongelli and Donna Banks as a direct result of our recent open submissions with you. We're also looking at several other artists who have sent more work for us to listen to. Keep it up." Check out Mango Reel's latest opportunities here. Got a success story to tell us about? Send us an email to

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